circuit bending

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circuit bending

Rewiring audio toys to make new sounds. It involves exposing the circuit board in a device such as a Texas Instruments "Speak & Spell" toy and short circuiting leads until an unusual sound is discovered. Circuit bending started by accident in 1966 when Reed Ghazala's 9v battery-powered amplifier shorted out in his high-school desk drawer. In 1992, he coined the term for a series of articles in Experimental Musical Instruments magazine. For more information and samples of "Bent Sound," visit Ghazala's website at

The Incantor
This "circuit-bent" instrument is one of the more recognizable audio devices on Ghazala's website. Others are quite exotic! (Image courtesy of Reed Ghazala,
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Realizado com verba de um edital para filme documentario, Branco Sai, Preto Fica (BSPF) consistiu num projeto ambicioso de "insubordinacao" ou circuit bending, nao so das politicas de fomento para o audiovisual no Brasil, como tambem das formas narrativas mais estatutarias no que se refere a representacao cinematografica de fatos reais, alem da propria relacao do cinema brasileiro com o filme de genero, em especial o filme de ficcao cientifica.
Circuit bending corresponde a pratica de modificar pecas eletronicas, eventualmente brinquedos, para criar outros itens, geralmente instrumentos musicais.
Nesse sentido, BSPF e um filme de fronteira tambem por se tratar de um hibrido documentario + ficcao cientifica, viabilizado a partir da reconfiguracao e tensionamento de um esforco de producao a principio focado em cinema documentario--dai nossa lembranca da estrategia do circuit bending, pois Adirley Queiros de fato "reconfigurou o circuito" com essa producao.
Crazy business, if you're not sure what circuit bending is, or what Windscale might sound like, check em out on the Windscale Myspace site...
"The interesting thing about this project is that the young people are making music from non-traditional objects - from very basic things like broom handles to really technical things like circuit bending.
Filling a small, dark room of the former Polish Embassy, American experimentalist Nicolas Collins's Daguerreotypes, 2006, provided an unusually elegant example of "circuit bending," the creative deconstruction of consumer electronics detailed in the artist's new book, Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking (zoo6).
A number of noise sub- genres will be represented this weekend, including free jazz, power electronics, experimental, primitive electronics and circuit bending.
Circuit bending involves using an existing piece of electronics in a new way.
Haugen gives an old "Speak 'n' Spell" as an example of a circuit bending tool.
Would I have read an entire article on circuit bending (manipulating by means of short circuits) electronic sounds from Texas Instruments' learning toys Speak and Read and its fellows, had author Q.R.
If that was unusual enough, the following couple of days saw the young musicians step into the realm of circuit bending technology, as demonstrated by acclaimed musician and 'sonic experimentalist' Tom Bug, before marrying the electronic circuits they had built to the environmental sounds they recorded on the opening day.
On a return trip to Korea, she discovered the digital delay pedal and circuit bending. And she was hooked.