Ac etiam

AC ETIAM, Eng. law. In order to give jurisdiction to a court, a cause of action over which the court has jurisdiction is alleged, and also,, (ac etiam) another cause of action over which, without being joined with the first, the court would have no jurisdiction; for example, to the usual complaint of breaking the plaintiff's close, over which the court has jurisdiction, a clause is added containing the real cause of action. This juridical contrivance grew out of the Statute 13 Charles H. Stat. 2, c. 2. The clause was added by Lord North, Ch. J. of the C. P. to the clausum fregit writs of that court upon which writs of capias might issue. He balanced awhile whether he should not use the words nec non instead of ac etiam. The matter is fully explained in Burgess on Insolvency, 149. 155. 156. 157.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
(27.) BF 2:574-75: "Propter quod nec non ex quarumdam litterarum, circa hoc dicto Episcopo [Stephen] concessarum occasione, quae, ut dicebas, in manifestum tu fili Cardinalis, Ordinis eorundem Fratrum tibi commissi poterat praejudicium redundare; ac etiam, quia quaedam proponebantur pro Sancti Damiani Ordine supradicto, quae libertati praedicti Ordine Fratrum, ut ex ipsorum Fratrum parte afferitur, derogabant; turbationis, et quaestionis materia est orta."
Argumentis et Latina Paraphrasi illustrati, ac etiam vario carminum genere latine expressi, which was published in both the Latin version and an English translation by Anthony Gilbie in London in 1580.(1) John Rathmell showed that Sidney's sister, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, used Gilbie's translation in composing her part of the metrical psalter, Psalms 44-150.(2) But there is evidence that she also used the Latin version, as a comparison of the two versions with the texts of her Psalms will prove.(3)
97 "Atque ex his patet quid sit Ens rationis, a qua potentia, et per qualem actum fiat, ac etiam per qualem cognoscatur"; ibid.