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Describing anything in which two or more persons hold equal rights and responsibilities. For example, every account holder may use the funds in a joint account (though not always independently from the other holders), and each owner is equally liable for a jointly-held property.
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows an elongated lesion arising from the AC joint and tracking medially to superficial and within the trapezius muscle (Figures 1 and 2).
The 15[degrees] tilt view did not demonstrate a widening of the AC joint (Figure 1A).
Dunne earlier looked poised to snare the crown after attacking Bate before their duel, slamming him to the ring posts which led to the kid from Dudley, England to separate his AC joint on his left shoulder.
non-surgical) treatment of severe AC joint injuries.
A 24-year-old male patient involved in a cycling accident sustained an acute AC joint dislocation of Rockwood type V [3] (Figure 1).
(1) Surgeries included coracoclavicular fixation with a cancellous screw or transfixation of the AC joint with Steinmann pins or Kirschner wires.
The bookAEs 25 chapters cover routine procedures as well as advanced topics such as arthroscopic management of greater tuberosity fractures, arthroscopic procedures for shoulder dislocation, arthroscopic AC joint reconstruction, and suprascapular nerve release.
Ultrasound showed 12 patients with normal AC joint, 22 with AC joint arthropathic changes associated with supraspinatus pathology and 1 with AC joint changes, but no supraspinatus pathology, whereas MRI showed 13 patients with normal AC joint, 19 with AC joint arthropathic changes associated with rotator cuff pathology, 1 with AC joint changes but no rotator cuff pathology and 2 with os acromiale.
It's a separation of the AC joint, which is the same injury as what I did in the Tour de France last year, but not as severe.