UniBo Motorsport - MotoStudent Team University of Bologna

UniBo Motorsport - MotoStudent Team University of Bologna

Fabbricazione di autoveicoli

Bologna, Bologna 1.542 follower

Chi siamo

UniBo Motorsport - MotoStudent Team is the official team of the University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum. Our Team participates in the Motostudent International Competition, Electric category and also takes part in the Moto Engineering Italy (MES) organized in Imola. These competitions give us the opportunity to challenge university teams from all over the world. Over the years our team has achieved excellent results, such as 2nd place in Moto Engineering Italy and 3rd place in the Motostudent Championship in 2018, but our greatest satisfaction is 1st place in the Motostudent competition in 2021. We got the first place in the Red Bull Motoboost contest too.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di autoveicoli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bologna, Bologna
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Settore motociclistico e MotoStudent


Dipendenti presso UniBo Motorsport - MotoStudent Team University of Bologna


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