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Manipud iti Wikipedia, ti nawaya nga ensiklopedia

Pakisaritaan kadagiti addan ken naisingasing nga annuroten

Annuroten iti grammatika ken panangiletra

[urnosen ti taudan]

Pannganga-asi a dumamanon kayo ditoy a makitungtong ti panagaramid tayo ti kasisigud a panangiletra ditoy a wiki.--Lam-ang(Makipatang) 19:59, 19 Disiembre 2011 (UTC)[sungbat]

Annuroten para kadagiti saan nga aktibo nga administrador

[urnosen ti taudan]

Pangngaasi a makitungtung ditoy para iti annuroten kadagiti saan nga aktibo nga administrador.--Lam-ang(Makipatang) 21:16, 21 Hunio 2012 (UTC)[sungbat]

Kalpasan ti gangani a makatawen a panagkiddaw, awan ti lokal a nagbanagan daytoy a tungtungan, isunga ti matungpalto nga annuroten para iti daytoy a suheto ket ti annuroten a naikeddeng idiay meta a nagbanagan ti kiddaw ti komentario para kadagiti saan nga aktibo nga agtengtengel ti administratibo a karbengan.--Lam-ang(Makipatang) 15:49, 5 Hulio 2013 (UTC)[sungbat]

No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto

[urnosen ti taudan]

There is a current discussion on German Wikipedia on a decision of Asaf Bartov, Head of WMF Grants and Global South Partnerships, Wikimedia Foundation, who rejected a request for funding a proposal from wikipedians from eowiki one year ago with the explanation the existence, cultivation, and growth of the Esperanto Wikipedia does not advance our educational mission. No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto. On meta there has also started a discussion about that decision. --Holder (tungtungan) 10:06, 5 Mayo 2014 (UTC)[sungbat]

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review

[urnosen ti taudan]

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was recently adopted by global community consensus (your community received a notice about the discussion). According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the new admin activity review here.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Saluyot (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 20:52, 1 Hulio 2014 (UTC)[sungbat]

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review

[urnosen ti taudan]

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was adopted by global community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the admin activity review.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Tarong (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 05:07, 13 Enero 2015 (UTC)[sungbat]

Hi, you are invited to participate in the discussion on the proposal to make a banner through m: centralnotice to inform more people around the world about what the Turkish government has done about Wikipedia, ie all the language versions of Wikipedia are You are obscured, so in Turkey it is impossible to view the * .wikipedia.org site. To hope that the Turkish government will remove the block, it is necessary to raise awareness of this fact around the world because it is important to succeed in this mission because Wikipedia can not be seen in Turkey. With this message also for those interested, I invite him to sign the Wikimedian appeal.

If you have any questions or questions do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks best regards. --Samuele2002 (Talk!) 17:35, 27 Mayo 2017 (UTC)[sungbat]

ESEAP Conference 2018

[urnosen ti taudan]

Hello Philippine Wikipedians,

Scholarship applications for ESEAP Conference 2018 is now open!

ESEAP Conference 2018 is a regional conference for Wikimedia communities around the ESEAP regions. ESEAP stands for East, Southeast Asia, and Pacific. Taking place in Bali, Indonesia on 5-6 May 2018, this is the first regional conference for the Wikimedia communities around the regions.

Full scholarships are subject to quotas, maximum two people per country and your country is eligible to apply, visit this page.

We also accept submissions of several formats, including:

  • Workshop & Tutorial: these are presentations with a focus on practical work directed either to acquiring a specific skill or doing a specific task. Sessions are 55 minutes led by the presenters in a classroom space suitable for laptops and work.
  • Posters: A2-size format to give news, share your community event/program, set out an idea, propose a concept, or explain a problem. The poster itself must be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons with a suitable license.
  • Short Presentation/Sharing talks: 10-15 minutes presentation on certain topic.

Deadline for submissions and scholarship applications is on 15 March 2018.

Best regards, Filipinayzd (tungtungan) 16:08, 19 Enero 2018 (UTC)[sungbat]

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review

[urnosen ti taudan]

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was adopted by global community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the admin activity review.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Tarong (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 02:19, 10 Agosto 2018 (UTC)[sungbat]