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hot stove league

The discussions, speculations, and rumors by fans during the off-season about teams, players, and possible trades. It is most commonly used in reference to the baseball off-season, which occurs between November and February. (These are the coldest months of the year, so people might once have gathered around hot stoves to keep warm.) Sometimes hyphenated as "hot-stove league." This internet forum has become the go-to spot for the hot stove league, with fans from all over the country and the world gathering here to discuss the previous season and share their thoughts about what might happen in the season ahead.
See also: hot, league, stove

slave over a hot stove

To spend a lot of time and effort preparing and cooking a meal. I spent all day slaving over a hot stove, and now you say you aren't hungry?
See also: hot, over, slave, stove
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

slave over a hot stove

work very hard preparing a meal. informal
See also: hot, over, slave, stove
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in classic literature ?
The maid wept all night long, and said, 'I freed you in the wild wood out of the iron stove; I have sought you, and have crossed a glassy mountain, three sharp swords, and a great lake before I found you, and will you not hear me now?' The servants outside heard how she cried the whole night, and they told their master in the morning.
But the kitchen-maid wept the whole night long, and said, 'I have freed you in a wood and from an iron stove; I sought you and have crossed a glassy mountain, three sharp swords, and a great lake to find you, and now you will not hear me!' The servants outside heard how she cried the whole night, and in the morning they told their master.
When she began to weep and to say, 'Dearest sweetheart, I freed you in the horrible wild wood, and from an iron stove,' he jumped up and said, 'You are right.
For an hour she sat by the stove in the office talking of life.
The fire in the stove had gone out and he undressed in the cold.
Removing his utensils from the stove, so as to give the newcomers a chance to cook, he proceeded to take his meal from the top of his grub-box, himself sitting on his bed-roll.
The woman busied herself with cooking, while the man sliced bacon and fired the stove. The light in the cabin was dim, filtering through in a small window made of onion-skin writing paper and oiled with bacon grease, so that John Messner could not make out very well what the woman looked like.
But Haythorne, with a glance at the stove, pulled on his cap and mittens.
When he entered he found the other man waiting, standing near the stove, a certain stiff awkwardness and indecision in his manner.
"And there you see all that is left of it!" added she, pointing to a pool of water in front of the stove.
And the Heidenberg stove, through the isinglass of its door, seemed to glare at good Mr.
It has made quite a puddle here before the stove. Pray tell Dora to bring some towels and mop it up!"
Festival is the brain-child of artist-led The Stove Network and will celebrate "new spaces, new worlds and radical gatherings" with events in The Stove, The Oven (former baker's oven building) and on the High Street.
WASHINGTON STOVE AND FIREPLACE CENTRE With one of the widest ranges of surrounds, stoves and electric and gas fires in the North East, Washington Stove and Fireplace Centre produces all of its own limestone and marble surrounds.
noW live in oUr liverPool ualityFireplaces SHoWroom tHe amaZinG GaZco Bespoke | Marble | Gas | Electric | Wood | Stoves | Cast Iron Turning Houses Into Homes ranGe of fireS Quality Fires invites you to our NEW REVAMPED LIVERPOOL STOVE COMPANY SHOWROOM With over 70 sto ves on display , many live!