pay attention

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pay attention (to someone or something)

To be attentive to, become aware of, or be responsive (to someone or something). My father never paid attention to the financial burden his gambling was creating until it was too late. You need to start paying attention to your kids, or you won't have a relationship with them when they're grown up. Pay attention, Mark—there will be a quiz on this material at the end of the week!
See also: attention, pay, someone
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

pay attention (to someone or something)

to give attention (to someone or something). Please pay attention to the teacher. Max always pays careful attention to what is being told to him.
See also: attention, pay
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

pay attention

Heed, be attentive to, as in Now pay attention to these instructions. [Second half of 1700s]
See also: attention, pay
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Take some slow, deep breaths and pay attention to the One who breathed into the first human the breath of life (Genesis 2:7).
The Emirati driver did not pay attention to the truck and crashed into it from behind, Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Director of Traffic Department, Dubai Police, said.
[USA], July 5 ( ANI ): Busting a popular stereotype, a study recently found that periods have no impact on a woman's working memory, decision-making or ability to pay attention to two things at once.
He said concerned departments should also pay attention to indoor dengue surveillance and properly monitor junkyards, graveyards, tyre shops and other open places.
She expressed concerns that the state does not pay attention to people like her son.
It's just that it would require everybody saying this is important, this is significant--and that we don't just pay attention to these communities when a CVS burns, and we don't just pay attention when a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped.
CHILDREN who do not pay attention in class at age seven are less likely to score good GCSE results, research suggests.
They didn't pay attention in 2013 when, writing for the Baltimore Sun, Barbara Samuels, director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland fair housing program, noted that prior to the 2008 recession Baltimore ranked 56th most impoverished among 97 cities.
POLICE have stressed the need for motorists for pay attention, drive at appropriate speed and check their insurance following the sentencing of Steven Jackman.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Memories don't just happen on their own; you have to, quite literally, pay attention.
They are what visitor attention is, what visitors pay attention to while viewing exhibitions, why visitors pay attention, how the processes or mechanisms of attention work, and what factors interfere with paying attention to exhibits.
I once spoke with a state senator and asked him if they pay attention to computer generated "boilerplate" letters concerning hot topics.
To put it otherwise, do the editors of Chronicles pay attention to what they print?
Ali Al-Moqri, a Yemeni writer, tries to make sure Yemeni newspapers pay attention to political issues.