keep an eye open

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keep an eye open

Watch for something carefully; be attentive to something. I'm turning onto your street now, so keep an eye open. Please keep an eye open for any information pertaining to this case.
See also: an, eye, keep, open
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
POLICE are asking antique dealers to keep an eye open after thieves stole more than pounds 1,000 worth of valuables.
But keep an eye open to make sure there are no spats with the children.
"I ask people who are going to Majorca to keep an eye open for him," she said.
It seems that football fields, kids playgrounds, carparks, are all fair game to the so called entrepreneur if the are in a desirable location like in or on the outskirts of an expanding town or city , if you value your open spaces, keep an eye open, there could be someone out there eyeing them up Hughie Edwards, Holyhead
Pharmaceutical and biotech firms, which spend billions of dollars every year searching for new drugs, keep an eye open for technologies to make their drug screening more fruitful.
The entire project team is trained to keep an eye open and control potential dangers.
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