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References in classic literature ?
During this moment of suspense, the dark, threatening, eye of Mahtoree rolled from one of the strange parties to the other, in keen and hasty examination, and then it turned its withering look on the old man, as the chief said, in a tone of high and bitter scorn--
'It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper,' said Mr.
His words had drawn Genevieve's gaze to his face, and she had pleasured in the clear skin, the clear eyes, the cheek soft and smooth as a girl's.
"I guess he does, unless your eyes get on faster than they have yet."
It gave way, and in the instant that she entered her eye caught the scene--the Board standing about with open watches; Dempsey Donovan in his shirt sleeves dancing, light-footed, with the wary grace of the modern pugilist, within easy reach of his adversary; Terry O'Sullivan standing with arms folded and a murderous look in his dark eyes.
Cora met his gaze with an eye so calm and firm, that his resolution wavered.
Humans do this very thing, and some of them call it "free will." Cocky, staring at the open door, was in just the stage of determining whether or not he should more closely inspect that crack of exit to the wider world, which inspection, in turn, would determine whether or not he should venture out through the crack, when his eyes beheld the eyes of the second discoverer staring in.
Forgotten, save once, when old One Eye stopped for a moment to lick his stiffening wounds.
Noirtier's eye began to dilate, and his eyelids trembled with the same movement that may be perceived on the lips of an individual about to speak, and he darted a lightning glance at Madame de Villefort and his son.
Fledgeby's small eyes opened so wide that they might have passed for ordinary-sized eyes, as he stared about him for the very young person whom he supposed to be in question.
What difference does it make to you if I am here when your eyes are closed!
The savage light died from his eyes, and as the stranger stepped forward toward Korak, Tantor trailed docilely at his heels.
"Let me introduce my brother to you," said Helene, her eyes shifting uneasily from Natasha to Anatole.
But there were others who saw, and now and again, glancing at those about him, he noted two young girls who looked back from the row in front, a dozen seats along, and who smiled at him with bold eyes. He had always been easy-going.
A minute later he was at the entrance, peering in at us with his inflamed eyes and raging like a demon.