jolly good

jolly good

Excellent; well done; I approve. Sometimes hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. Primarily heard in UK. A: "I'll be moving to London in the autumn to start my university course." B: "Jolly good! You're parents would be so proud." A: "I'm going to reboot the system now so it can install the updates." B: "Jolly good. Let's go get some lunch while we wait for it to come back online." We all had a jolly good time picking blackberries at her grandfather's estate.
See also: good, jolly
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

jolly ˈgood!

(old-fashioned, British English, spoken) used to show that you approve of something that somebody has just said: So you and Alan are going away for the weekend, are you? Jolly good.
See also: jolly
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in classic literature ?
Seton next morning we liked him enormously, and voted him a jolly good fellow.
"But just now we must all have a jolly good time at Ozma's party," said the old gentleman, turning to put his presents on the table with the others already there.
And another, "I know what I'll say--that I heered a row, jumped out of my bunk, got a jolly good crack on the jaw for my pains, and sailed in myself.
Wait till I set a jolly good flint a-flyin' at the back o' 'is jolly old 'ed some day!
"Jolly good thing she isn't," threw in Jukes, with bitter readiness.
"But you acted it, and I've a jolly good mind to shoot you dead!"
"Cigars and cigarettes, and jolly good ones, too," Aynesworth answered, opening a flat tin box, and smelling the contents appreciatively.
I think about Tahiti, and breadfruit, and jolly good time at Bora Bora.
"We had a jolly good swim before dinner, and I told the Brats to spread these to dry.
It's a jolly good life taking it all round--if it weren't for that fellow Alfred Inglethorp!" He checked the car suddenly, and glanced at his watch.
His healthy appearance, good colour, sound, though discoloured teeth, sturdy figure, preoccupied air during business hours, and jolly good humour during his game at cards in the evening, all bore witness to his success in life, and combined to make existence a bed of roses to his excellency.
rtini ea head A night on Cinzano and Martini in 1984 wasn't a jolly good idea and resulted in me getting my down with the world's worst hangover.
According to Prince Secondus, 'John Odey was a jolly good fellow; his death was shocking to us.
Mini pirates can visit the outdoor centre in Langbank for a whole weekend of jolly good fun.
Jolly Good Vehicle Rentals(Wrexham) has been celebrated as one of Wales's fastest growing companies in recent years under managing director Mark Hughes.