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Related to jollies: get my jollies

(one's) jollies

1. slang One's amusement, enjoyment, or pleasure. Often used in reference to some degree of perverse satisfaction. Used especially in the phrase "get one's jollies." The restless teenagers got their jollies by throwing rocks at passing cars. My job is incredibly dull, so I get my jollies by messing with customers in really subtle ways. I know you want to give me my 13 birthday punches, so go ahead, get your jollies.
2. slang A period of time that one devotes to pleasure, relaxation, or excitement, especially while traveling; one's vacation or holiday. Primarily heard in UK. A: "So, where are you going for your jollies this year?" B: "We were thinking of going to the States, but it's just too much money. We'll probably just go to Spain again." We spent nearly 30 hours stuck in the airport waiting for our connecting flight. What a crappy way to start our jollies. I got my jollies at the beach this year. In the wintertime, there's nothing better than getting away to the sun and sand.
See also: jolly
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. a charge or thrill; a sexual thrill; kick. He got his jollies from skin flicks.
See also: jolly
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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