join the ranks (of something)

(redirected from join the ranks of)

join the ranks (of something)

To become a part or member of a large group or organization. Hey, I heard you'll be joining the ranks at our office next month. Congratulations! Each year, more and more people join the ranks of those whose livelihoods were destroyed by the economic recession.
See also: join, rank
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in classic literature ?
Her mind, stunned to begin with, now flew to the various changes that her engagement would make-- how delightful it would be to join the ranks of the married women-- no longer to hang on to groups of girls much younger than herself-- to escape the long solitude of an old maid's life.
It would surely be strange if, among those who returned to Alencon or its neighborhood, no brave, honorable, and, above all, sound and healthy officer of suitable age could be found, whose character would be a passport among Bonaparte opinions; or some ci- devant noble who, to regain his lost position, would join the ranks of the royalists.
Acting on specific inputs that a Hizb-ul Mujahideen militant has procured a sophisticated weapon and is about to join the ranks of the terrorist outfit as an active militant, Delhi police sent two of its officials to Shopian.
THE latest Inspector to join the ranks of North Wales Police is well aware that many of her colleagues will take some convincing that she is up to the job.
26 (Saba) -- The security services in, Dhamar province on Monday arrested eight Saudi-led collaborators in two separate operations while they were in the their way to join the ranks of US-backed Saudi-led aggression mercenaries, a security official told Saba.
Renowned: political figure from Faisalabad, Chiniot, Pakpattan, Toba Tek Singh and Gujranwala called on Chairman PTI Imran Khan and announced join the ranks of PTI.
A source in the leadership of the Liberation of Nineveh told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "Daash committed men from the age of 14 and up to 60 years, in Shurah south of Mosul and Tal Afar west, to join the ranks of the organization according to conscription." He added: "The organization organized quick military courses and give them a deadline not exceeding three days to join its ranks, threatening the violators with death penalty." On the other hand, Daesh executed 14 people from Qayyarah district.
To be fair, the new program isn't entirely far-fetched - a number of Americans have left home to join the ranks of Daesh, and militants have been known to prowl online forums for potential recruits.
Children in Hexham were among the first to join the ranks of the English Heritage campaign to highlight the Roman-themed events along Hadrian's Wall this month and next.
Jason Sleeper, son of Christine Boudreau and Charlie Latino of Worcester, has volunteered to join the ranks of the Massachusetts Army National Guard.
Tinnion, who played 458 times in his 11 years at Ashton Gate, seems determined to join the ranks of players still going strong past the age of 40.
At this time, we are dealing again with many young people who unfortunately will join the ranks of the Disabled American Veterans.
AMELIE MAURESMO insists she is ready to join the ranks of the grand slam champions as she enters her second Australian Open final.
"We are honored and excited to be chosen to join the ranks of this prestigious organization, " said Bob Wilson, general manger of the Thayer Hotel.
How does one go from being a moderately popular mid-list middle-grade children's novelist to join the ranks of the heavyweight, top-drawer, front-of-the-store, best-selling elite?