go with (one's) gut

(redirected from go with his gut)

go with (one's) gut

To trust or follow an intuition or instinct, as opposed to an opinion based on a logical analysis. If you're worried because your daughter isn't home yet, go with your gut and call the police. I'm glad I went with my gut because I did catch Tony cheating on me with his secretary! Go with your gut. If you think things are about turn violent, get out of there.
See also: go, gut
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The coach said he "had to go with his gut" in choosing Conor.
But in the end, Asher decided to go with his gut and write an ending where Hannah will die.
"He spoke to me and I told him to go with his gut instinct, and his gut instinct was to stay where he was."
They, and his girlfriend, advised him to go with his gut reaction.