go with (one's) gut

(redirected from go with gut)

go with (one's) gut

To trust or follow an intuition or instinct, as opposed to an opinion based on a logical analysis. If you're worried because your daughter isn't home yet, go with your gut and call the police. I'm glad I went with my gut because I did catch Tony cheating on me with his secretary! Go with your gut. If you think things are about turn violent, get out of there.
See also: go, gut
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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"I'll probably go with gut instinct as we go along, and Stevie Woods will be important in that as well.
"I'll probably go with gut instinct as we go along and (goalkeeping coach) Stevie Woods will be important in that as well.
"You normally go with gut feeling and who has been in good form, it is not just 11 players who are doing well."
Which leaves me feeling two things - that I'm not qualified to make such an important judgement, and that perhaps - just perhaps - I should just go with gut instinct, plus a side order of personal philosophy.
Otherwise you'll just have to go with gut instinct.
Scorpio should stop hiding, Leo must go with gut feelings and Aquarius need to keep a grip on reality.
They are a good side, but then so are England, and there comes a point when you just have to go with gut instinct.
You've been holding this torch for way too long and, although it will hurt, I would go with gut instinct on this one and stop tormenting yourself and move on.