be (a certain amount of pounds) soaking wet

be (a certain amount of pounds) soaking wet

To have a weight that one considers quite light. The addition of water makes things heavier, so one's weight "soaking wet" would be more than it is while one is dry. Ralph's about 100 pounds soaking wet. A strong breeze would blow him over! There's no way that boy meets the weight requirement for this rollercoaster. He's like 50 pounds soaking wet! No, you wouldn't have to wrestle a big guy like Cliff, you'd be matched with someone who's 120 pounds soaking wet, like you are.
See also: amount, certain, of, soak, wet

soaking wet

Completely drenched. Mom's soaking wet because she got caught in that storm while she was out taking a walk. I accidentally left my car windows open, and now my seats are soaking wet.
See also: soak, wet
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