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badger (one) into (doing something)

To pester or nag one into doing something. Now that I have my driver's license, my little sister is constantly trying to badger me into taking her places. Did you get badgered into coming to this boring lecture today? The kids keep trying to badger me taking them the amusement park. I told them that we can talk once their rooms are clean.
See also: badger

badger (one) to death

To pester or nag one relentlessly. If you don't answer him, he'll just keep badgering you to death. I've been badgered to death by students all day—I need a break. Now, the kids will try to badger you to death any time you say no, but stand firm!
See also: badger, death, to

badger game

An extortion scheme in which the victim, typically a married male, is lured into a compromising situation by (usually) a woman, who, with the aid of a male accomplice in the role of a husband or partner, blackmails the victim for money under the threat of exposure or physical violence. Most likely refers to the blood sport "badger baiting," in which a badger is used as live bait to lure a dog into a pit fight. He was nearly bankrupted after he fell victim to a badger game. Is it true? That gorgeous young woman lured Edward into a badger game? You better watch out, Phil—many a wealthy man like yourself has fallen prey to a badger game.
See also: badger, game

badger the witness

To mock, harass, or antagonize a witness for the opposing side in a trial. Objection, your honor! The prosecution is clearly badgering the witness. These questions serve no purpose other than to humiliate and discredit him before the jury. No, you can't say that on the stand, they'll think you're badgering the witness. I'm not badgering the witness, I'm simply asking a question!
See also: badger, witness
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

badger someone into something

Fig. to pester someone into doing something. Don't try to badger us into doing it. My brother and I were badgered into cleaning out the garage.
See also: badger

badger someone or something to death

Fig. to bother and annoy someone or some group. If you don't tell him what he wants to know, he will badger you to death until he finds out.
See also: badger, death, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

badger game

An extortion scheme in which a man is lured into a compromising position, usually by a woman, and then is "discovered" and blackmailed by her associate. For example, The prosecutor accused the couple of playing the badger game. The term alludes to the much older sport of badger-baiting, in which a live badger was trapped and put inside a box and dogs were set on it to drag it out. The woman in the scheme is the "badger." [Late 1800s]
See also: badger, game
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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