attribute to

attribute to (someone or something)

To cite as the source or reason for something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "attribute" and "to." I attribute my success to lots of hard work. That famous saying is usually, and incorrectly, attributed to Shakespeare. You'll lose points if you fail to attribute quoted material in your term paper to the correct sources.
See also: attribute, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

attribute something to someone or something

to ascribe something to someone or something; to believe that someone or something is the source of something. We attribute our success to your good advice. I attribute all these ill-mannered memos to Andrew.
See also: attribute, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
When we use Kansei attributes to describe the Context attribute, we should know how important a Kansei attribute to a Context attribute is.
Figure 3 Approximation Algorithm: FSBE Approx Algorithm: FSBE Let [A.sub.o] = set of all original attributes present in query log Let A = an empty set For (i = 1 to M) Perform BE on [A.sub.o]//every step assign correct value for one attribute from [A.sub.o] Perform FS on [A.sub.o]//every step adds one attribute to A Remove the attribute from [A.sub.o] which is added by FS to A in previous step End Return A If there is also a profitability constraint present that means a product designer or manufacturer wants to design a new product such a way that it satisfy as many customers as possible (satisfy as many queries as possible in the query log) and at the same time wants to make a certain profit.
Therefore time and effort are two important requirements to promptly and qualitatively select the attribute to be considered.
Obtained values of [F.sub.i] make it possible to assign each attribute to one of the 3 distinct classes, defined using arbitrary assumed limits:
The next step is to measure the amount of the tax attribute to report on the financial statement.
Under a strategic roadmap concept, PMA272 uses the benefits of this attribute to develop waypoints in time to initiate development of future ASE systems that will mitigate an evolving threat.
Crocker and Quinn asserted that what people bring to different situations are their sets of beliefs, attitudes, and values, and, when something negative (or positive) occurs, then self-esteem is subsequently affected by the meaning that they attribute to those events.
While we do acknowledge that there may be individual level variation whereby some customers may consider an attribute to be negative while for others it would be a positive one, overall we have tried to focus on attributes that have face validity.
Askew's Examinations poignantly records her aggressive efforts to stave off interrogation, to demonstrate the error of her inferior inquisitors, and, above all, to make clear to her readers her own meaning and not that which her accusers would attribute to her.
An alternative way to analyze the importance weights assigned by the subjects is to compare the weights assigned to each attribute to the weights assigned to other attributes.
His reasoning was that the suspended losses at the shareholder level are deemed NOLs, and, therefore, would be a tax attribute to be reduced.
The lack of distinctiveness when associating the same attribute to many fire engines made the memory discrimination and retrieval processes more difficult.
1004b10-12) allow an attribute to be per se to a subject without being part of the subject's definition.
The most important thing in collecting is the value we attribute to a collectible, whatever that object is.
However, location might be an important attribute to college recruits choosing among jobs in different locations.