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    Does anyone Have any Recommendations for what Ragdoll / Euphoria Mod to pair with this?

    मार्��� 11, 2024
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    Hey mate. Sorry if this is a big ask.
    But Would you ever consider Releasing an Update to this that Applies your "Blood Spilling" Feature to every Shot?
    I love the Blood Spilling you've Implemented with this Mod But I just thought It'd be amazing to have an Over-the Top Update with Blood Spilling Occurring Every time No matter where you shoot an NPC.
    Sorry if this is asking too much, But Just thought I'd ask!

    Thanks mate :) !

    दिसंबर 24, 2023
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    Hey mate!
    Have you ever considered making a Euphoria Mod for Red Dead 2?
    I'd love to see your Knowledge on Euphoria's over there!

    नवंबर 30, 2023
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    @recently Brilliant!
    Thanks mate!

    नवंबर 26, 2023
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    This is a Great Euphoria Mod mate!
    Would it be possible for more "Writhing / Exaggerated Behaviour" when you shoot npc's that are Moving backwards / to the side? Instead of npc's just slumping down when moving
    If you could make more exaggerated Reactions to npc's when moving that'd be awesome.

    Thanks mate!

    नवंबर 16, 2023
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    @ralph wiggum
    Turns out it was Due to Some Wrong Scripthook Files (Specifically "Scripthook.Net")
    I've sorted it now.
    Thanks for the advice though mate

    नवंबर 04, 2023
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    Hey mate.
    I have an issue where, Once I start Aiming & Shooting (and the Recoil kicks in) After I'm done Firing and the crosshair Resets, I can't aim Downwards/ Towards the Ground.. Almost like there's a Barrier stopping me from Aiming Downwards.
    So I have to Release The Trigger and Aim Again.

    It's a really odd Issue, But hopefully you can get back to me.

    नवंबर 03, 2023
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    Looks Good mate!
    Can I ask, Where did you find that Black top Top for Michael in the first two Pics?


    अक्टूबर 18, 2023
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    Hey mate.
    I Don't think it's specific to your Mod, But for Whatever reason when I Use this mod to Replace the Marksman Rifle it only Holds One shot.
    It only fires once and I can't fire it anymore. I Can use a Trainer to "Fill Ammo" But again, IT only Fires One shot and that's it...
    Do you have any Advice?
    Thanks mate!

    अक्टूबर 17, 2023
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    Thanks for the Reply Mate.
    I'll check those Versions out!

    अक्टूबर 11, 2023