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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Nabs_

    Invetero Coquette D1 Appreciation Thread

    Speaking of poster material, I had my first go at making a car poster/ad. Loosely based on an original Corvette ad, it looks pretty amateur, but I like how it turned out.
    32 points
  2. Dick Justice


    This is was what the 2nd half of 2012 looked like: 12th July: Asked & Answered: Max Payne 3 and Grand Theft Auto V [Screenshots] 20th August: Transport [Screenshots] 22nd August: Leisure [Screenshots] 24th August: Business [Screenshots / "in a few weeks or so"] 11th October: Via Game Informer [GI cover announcement] 24th October: GTA V Artwork: Pest Control [Artwork] 31st October: Release window announcement [Spring 2013 announcement / artwork] 5th November: Trailer 2 announcement [Trailer 2 announced] 8th November: Game Informer cover story [Game Informer cover] 14th November: Trailer 2 released [Trailer 2] 24th December: Happy Holidays - Enjoy [Screenshots] It's strange because I think back on 2012 like it was the biggest info drought of all time but from July onwards we had a pretty steady stream of asset releases. I think the "few weeks or so" after the Business screens broke a lot of us. I'll be pretty surprised if we get half of this in the remainder of 2024 [for VI] but here's to hoping.
    31 points
  3. mp412rex

    VI 'Won't Be A Major Upgrade From V... Might Dissapoint'

    What a nothingsteak of an article. He left in 2009.
    29 points
  4. allendude51

    Declasse Yosemite 1500 Appreciation Thread

    28 points
  5. Bravado Buffalo

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    27 points
  6. Agent Edward

    VI 'Won't Be A Major Upgrade From V... Might Dissapoint'

    Dude don't work at Rockstar anymore and don't know squat about its development, case closed.
    26 points
  7. Nabs_

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    Worn B&W version/reference photo below:
    26 points
  8. Tanvir135i

    Declasse Yosemite 1500 Appreciation Thread

    Definitely one of the favorites from this update not gonna lie. Hex code is #1e0405AA w/ Bison Brown pearl courtesy of @ColdCase657
    26 points
  9. Thundersmacker

    Thundersmacker's Workshop

    Hello everyone! So good news is my PC is back and is running great. It's definitely got an upgrade in power too. I'm going to try to get back to V Pack 5 once again, I also have some other secret stuff coming out too so look forward to that. In the mean time, I've finishing porting @soccimusprime's classic Bison! Go show him some love by checking out his workshop and supporting his creations.
    25 points
  10. Thundersmacker

    Thundersmacker's Workshop

    So I got some bad news for you guys. A week ago the motherboard in my computer died. I tried to replace it with a similar board but unfortunately that one turned out to be bad and now I have to return it. So now I've decided I'm going to just wait and upgrade the computer with new parts. Only problem is that with a house, 3 cars and a family to take care of. Having money to spend on PC parts is going to take a really long time, and I doubt by the time I get my PC upgraded and rebuilt, I'll be interested in modding this game still. So I've decided that V Pack 5 is cancelled and I'll try to get what I have done out to you guys so you can have it. This isn't really how I planned to quit modding this game but that's how it is, I think it's about time to move on to other things. I'll keep you posted on any updates and that mod release.
    25 points
  11. Not being able to locate this building, despite months of concerted efforts, had become a major meme. Today, Kindlyspace found it.
    24 points
  12. Kentyark

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    24 points
  13. Classique

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    23 points
  14. ForDer089

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    23 points
  15. Benefactor69

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    The main body colour I used is just regular old Cabernet Red with a matching Cabernet Red pearl. The lower cladding in that picture is #3A1C24 which is just Cabernet Red's HEX lightened by 10% and then desaturated by 60%. As requested here it is with darker cladding #190C0f, which is also just Cabernet Red's HEX now darkened by 10% and again desaturated by 60%. While I was doing that I got a bit carried away playing with different colour combinations for this car...
    23 points
  16. gorl3

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    23 points
  17. Thundersmacker

    Thundersmacker's Workshop

    I appreciate you guys offering to help out, but it's not necessary. I just need time to save up some money on the side and get some new parts. Luckily I don't need to buy completely everything to get the PC running again, the GPU and power supply are still good. Sorry everyone for jumping the gun on this whole quit modding thing. I just got so frustrated with that faulty motherboard situation I just got extremely discouraged. After thinking more, I don't want to outright quit. Honestly it's best probably not to say that anymore, so I hope you'll forgive me for that. Anyway, it's still going to be some time before things are back up. I do have a laptop that is capable of running Zmodeler at least, so I'm going to try finishing up @soccimusprime's Bison. As always, I'll keep you guys updated.
    22 points
  18. ForDer089

    Declasse Yosemite 1500 Appreciation Thread

    22 points
  19. The-Ghost


    For V this was iconic, I think it dropped around the time when we got the GI article about the game too Artwork that show the trio of V all are great : edit: I forgot this one, probably the most significant of all of them, with Rockstar casually showing the end of the game pretty early on lol
    21 points
  20. Bravado Buffalo

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    21 points
  21. crsN

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    21 points
  22. Jason


    Dead space is fine, it's absolutely fine that GTA V had places with nothing in them and hopefully VI will have the same - the game needs that dead space for various reasons, be it making exploring the map and travelling between major locaties (cities/towns) feel like a journey plus for GTAO2's long term health. The issue with the mountains in V is that with time they've aged really bad. They were clearly used to split the map into three parts, LS, Blaine County and Paleto, and the mountains/hills served the purpose of making each 3 regions feel distinct, cause they could block the line of sight between locations so you never felt like you were a stones throw away from the other 2 regions, regardless of which region you were in. They've very much a byproduct of the 360/PS3 generation hardware, we'd never see anything like that in any open world game in 202X I don't think. But yea, VI needs the same dead space, areas with not much if anything to do, but done in a more interesting way, fields and rolling hills, swamps, etc. Places you drive past or through, places you might stop and take a photo, places that could be somewhere you end up in a police chase etc. V's mountains and hills never do any of this, you almost always use the roads cause driving over them is annoying and most of them have literally f*ck all on them, no buildings, interiors, or anything. Put some farm houses or something region appropriate in VI's dead space, place you could stage a shootout and things like that, and all of a sudden it goes from just basic empty "dead" space to a place with potential for emergent content, even if R* don't put anything "official" in there. Long term of course it has benefits for GTAO2 so not everything is crammed on top of each other. SP DLC too, if they ever do that lol
    21 points
  23. Kentyark

    Declasse Yosemite 1500 Appreciation Thread

    One of the best car of this update. But I need more customization options, you know.. like bullbars or luggages in the bed!
    21 points
  24. This week and until 31st July, a brand-new totally criminal enterprise is available to you - because criminals do need to eat! Hop on the Pegassi Pizza Boy and deliver pizzas for Pizza This in the brand-new side activity, collectively deliver literally millions of those on a new Community Challenge, put your artistic skills to the test with the new LS Tags collectible, check out Vapid's new delivery, the stock Dominator FX, alongside bonuses on Transform Races, and more! Remember this is just a preview, and information may change. On top of that, Rockstar may reserve things for their own Newswire. We understand that not every Event Week will be to everyone's liking, some will certainly be more exciting than others, but anyway... Let's get started! How About You Pizza This!? Brand-New Pizza Deliveries, a Community Challenge and the Pegassi Pizza Boy There is one thing, one singular thing that either a criminal or a corpo/CEO in Los Santos (and anywhere in the world really) can't go without. And that is food. More specifically however - pizza! Whether you like it with pineapple or not, it doesn't matter because it is the one food that unites everyone across the world, of all upbringings, identities, ethnicity and everything else inbetween. Somewhere in 1980's Vice City, rumour has it that ex-Mafioso Tommy Vercetti had to settle for delivering pizzas to the now-defunct Well Stacked Pizza Co., as did Mafioso Toni Cipriani in 1998, so it does seem like it's a very approved criminal activity (what is inside those pizzas no one cares!), and it's now coming to Los Santos! Hop on the brand-new Pegassi Pizza Boy and do a few (or a million, more on that later) stints for Pizza This to earn some extra cash and even some rewards, plus absolutely no workers protections (or so Southern San Andreas Super Autos imply - I'd trust that) Pegassi Pizza Boy available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for GTA$195,000 By @crsN (source) What's that? You need further incentive? How dare you not venerate pizza? Well, whether you do that or not, there is a brand-new Challenge that Pizza This are definitely not using to drive up pizza sales! In the return of Community Challenges - band together and deliver TEN MILLION pizzas until an unspecified date, to receive an official Pizza This Tee. Vapid De-Intercepts Their Dominator in Newest Shipment - Vapid Dominator FX Two weeks ago, Vapid finally made one of their 80's offerings widely available... except that was just for those interested in making the LSPD richer, or, well, poorer by working with ol' Vincent in Dispatch Work. No way to be a proper criminal or civilian with that thing - it's a damn cop car! This week, Los Santos sees the arrival of the stock variant of the Vapid Dominator FX, in what is claimed to be the original "Daddy Issues" by Southern San Andreas Super Autos (the Interceptor was the sequel). Whether you have those issues does not matter, but you'll now be able to feel validated with the "only hunk of emotionally unavailable steel that can ever truly satisfy you". By @JoonasPRKL (source) Dominator FX available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for GTA$1,550,000 Go on an Art Attack with LS Tags Collectibles, Transform Yourself with Bonuses on Transform Races, plus Make the Skies a Mess in Stockpile New arrivals to Los Santos don't stop here. By roaming the city for 10 years now, you've probably noticed Los Santos has a ton of grafitti all around - but not only. There's great art of actual made-up characters and murals, paintings that evoke the past, present and even future, figurines you can show off in your Casino Penthouse much like the aforementioned paintings (which you can also rob!) and much more. But what if you could make your own contributions in a brand-new daily collectble? If you're an aspiring street artist, this is your time with the introduction of LS Tags! Meanwhile... has someone been messing with time again? Do you feel... transformed perhaps? Not sure what's going on, but this week you can go back to the race track with a twist that will transform and transpose you to multiple places at once in your car, with bonuses on Transform Races. If you'd rather establish air supremacy rather than going through a transformation, there's also something for you - practice your fight or flight skills in a game of Capture the Flag in the air, with bonuses on the Stockpile Adversary Mode. As such: LS Tags Collectible Available Tomorrow 2x GTA$ and RP on Stockpile 2x GTA$ and 4x RP on Transform Races Discounts GTA+ Gun Van discount is noted in a Rockstar-like colour. 30% off Vapid Unmarked Cruiser Annis RE-7B Truffade Z-Type Übermacht Rhinehart Grotti Visione Gallivanter Baller ST 40% off Work Jackets and Shirts Gun Van: 30% off: Up'n'Atomiser 40% off: Heavy Rifle (available for everyone, discounted on GTA+) By @CUTS3R (source) Miscellaneous Salvage Yard Vehicles & Robberies Each week, Jamal and Yusuf Amir find some brand-new vehicles for you to source for your Chop Shop, and for Jamal to perhaps plaster all over Snapmatic and other social media. This week, check out the following propositions: The Podium Robbery: Bravado Greenwood The Gangbanger Robbery: Annis Euros The McTony Robbery: Grotti Turismo Classic The Diamond Casino & Resort Lucky Wheel It's five years to the day (plus one) that The Diamond Casino and Resort opened to the public in Los Santos! From many adventures with ownership and the Duggans, to all-out heists, petty robberies, podium robberies, Felipe hospital visits and fundraisers, drunk gamblers losing it all, drunk gamblers winning it all, loads of hijinks at the Lucky Wheel, Vincent's absurdly unfair firing, and much more, it's been through a lot, and it's here to stay! This week, it's celebration time, but there won't be much time for that for staff, as yet another podium storage infiltration seems to be expected. Good luck dear Felipe, we all love you. The Lucky Wheel never stops however. Pray to deities, drink a bit too much whilst celebrating 5 years of The Diamond, or perform any other rituals, then spin that wheel for a chance to win an Imponte Ruiner ZZ-8. LS Car Meet Prize Ride Not much to report on the LS Car Meet this week! Racers do indeed be racing as they say, and I wouldn't imagine that anyone who spends the whole week inside that warehouse will want to go on weird time travel/warpey races - or perhaps I'd be wrong. Plenty of new test cars, a new Hao project and a new Prize Ride on top of that Slamtruck though - one that will probably make you think of 80's Vice City... or 2020's Vice City?! Place Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series for 2 days in a row to win a Grotti Cheetah Classic. For testing and/or buying this week: Annis RE-7B (also 30% off) (R) Grotti Carbonizzare (R) Bravado Buffalo S (R) Speaking of Vice City classics... Another one is exactly what Hao's working on and he seemingly, allegedly couldn't be more excited! One does wonder if he'll ever bring his craft to the opposite coast and make an extra buck from upcoming criminals there, or even existing ones! Head on over to his desk and shop on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, and you'll be able to test, purchase or upgrade the Grotti Turismo Classic HSW. Premium Deluxe Motorsports Truffade Z-Type (also 30% off) (R) Vapid Retinue (R) RUNE Cheburek (R) Canis Kalahari (R) Coil Cyclone (R) Luxury Autos Vapid Dominator FX Invetero Coquette D1 By @THECHIEF1003 (source) Time Trials and Premium Races This week across the state of San Andreas, find the following time trials and premium race. Motorcycles Premium Race: Art to Art Regular Time Trial: Pillbox Hill HSW Time Trial: Terminal to Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness Weekly Challenge Starting with the Chop Shop DLC, citizens all across the state now don't only have a few daily objectives to perform, but also a weekly challenge, for a free GTA$100K: Complete 3 Pizza Deliveries More info on the Rockstar Newswire tomorrow <- Previous Event Week As this is a preview, any information in this post is subject to change and any corrections or missing details will be added as found. The descriptions are my own creative descriptions of things and are not information given by Rockstar or official game lore, unless otherwise specified. A simple brief + list of the Event is given to fan pages - all descriptions, parody, etc. are my own. (R) - Vehicles that were removed from the shops but can now be acquired/won again that week
    20 points
  25. JoonasPRKL

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    20 points
  26. sonnyC

    Invetero Coquette D1 Appreciation Thread

    20 points
  27. Kentyark

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    #15171b (Matte)
    20 points
  28. Tez2

    Changes with Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC release

    Yes. Plant on your desk - Secure or eliminate 4 Bounties. Certificate trophy - Secure or eliminate 10 Bounties. Star trophy - Secure or eliminate 100 Bounties. Handcuffs trophy - Secure 24 Unique Bounties (All Regular & Most Wanted bounties) alive.
    20 points
  29. MrFinger

    MrFinger's Workshop

    Hello. It's been over 3 years since I lost interest in modding. Recently however, I got inspired to return to my old passion. This time 3D era games are no longer my focus. I've noticed that there is a significant deficit in the GTA IV modding scene when it comes to vehicles. So I decided that this is the field where I would like engage and slightly improve the situation of IV car modding scene. Fathom FR36 from GTAV is the first vehicle that I decided to port as I felt like IV was really missing an Infiniti G35 counterpart. I put a lot of effort to seamlessly integrate the vehicle into LC traffic. It features proper dirt/spec mapping, LODs, IV style panel gaps, vertex AO and an appropriate polycount. It's not bloated with crap like tuning parts or HD interior. Some design changes have been made in comparison to its V counterpart. These include: - "Fathom Spoiler" tuning option is now an extra - Unique badges have been added - Rims are now paintable DOWNLOAD 2.0 update is now available in below post! I don't intend to end just on this as I have a lot more ports planned. Stay tuned.
    20 points
  30. Spider-Vice

    Mapping Vice City / Map Discussion Thread (NO LEAK FOOTAGE ALLOWED)

    Also as an FYI for mappers, you may have noticed you have had an option to attach files for the past 2 months - if you want your maps to be preserved alongside the forums themselves and uploaded on our servers you can directly upload your maps here, so you're not at the mercy of expiring Discord URL's or any imgur potential catastrophes or inactivity deletions in the future. No big announcement about us allowing it was made but so many external image hosts are just doing crazy stuff with people's images, which affects preservation, that we might as well let people upload their own stuff. We're not a super image heavy community anyway, and we do host mods (GTAGarage), so we'll have the storage. It's annoying as all hell going back to these threads 5 years from now and only seeing broken images, so at least those can be hosted alongside the forums, and will move with them should we ever move servers, etc. Needless to say that the same rules as usual apply.
    20 points
  31. MiranDMC

    DYOM 8.3 Alpha

    After years new official DYOM version is about to be released. Currently still in development, but Alpha version is already available for testing. Download Alpha versions change log: It still produces same file format as older DYOM 8.1. This means older version will load missions created with 8.3, but of course new features won't work there. Please be aware that my GTA DYOM Editor will load mission files created with that version but new features will be not presented correctly. Also routes used by Actor Animation will be lost upon saving.
    19 points
  32. This week and until 24th July, Martin Madrazo is back and he needs some help with Daily Bounties, available starting this week, and on a 2x bonus! The brand-new Canis Castigator will also be available on all platforms, Madrazo is even more generous with bonuses on all of his Contact Missions, Gerald's retirement money doubles with G's Caches Bonuses, Hotring Circuit comes back with a bonus bang, plus new Community Series Jobs (3x) and more! Remember this is just a preview, and information may change. On top of that, Rockstar may reserve things for their own Newswire. We understand that not every Event Week will be to everyone's liking, some will certainly be more exciting than others, but anyway... Let's get started! Canis Presents Their New Canis Castigator to Everyone A few weeks ago, Canis, the American manufacturer, released a brand-new American excellence SUV, but not to the masses yet! In a partnership with Bottom Dollar Bounty (how did this happen?!), interested testers would have to reach the Tier 4 of Career Progress on their own bounty businesses to be selected to test this big ol' SUV, but the kicker is, they could keep it for free! Clean Los Santos up from perpetrators and earn a free car - sounds great! However, on the other side of the fence, including those who didn't get access to these promotions and tier targets, everyone was clamouring for it to be available to them - because the dream of some was to decorate the roads of Los Santos and their own garages with the presence of the Castigator. Fighting an injustice if I've ever seen one! The Canis Castigator will be available tomorrow from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for GTA$1,650,000! By @JoonasPRKL (source) Martin Madrazo is Feeling Generous, with Daily Bounties and Bonuses on Contact Missions, Plus Misc. Bonuses and New Community Series "Fore!!!" and "No, Patricia, no!" are suddenly echoing from the Vinewood Hills area and nobody is really exactly sure why. Some people think it's a golf fanatic, others think he's just talking to himself... and they'd probably be right on all accounts! Martin Madrazo is back in action, and he has a brand-new business proposition for you! Bounty work! Yes, more of it, and on a bonus! Starting this week, expect new texts from Martin telling you where some most wanted (in his own way) bounties are, for you to take care of them. He wants you to do that so much, that he's offering double for it! Not convinced? Revisit the man with bonuses on his Contact Missions, as he's willing to be more generous than his usual just so you can help him with his new endeavour. 2x GTA$ and RP on tha brand-new Daily Madrazo Bounties 2x GTA$ and RP on All Madrazo Contact Missions Speaking of generosity, Gerald has been going on about his retirement money for a while, and every so often he opens a few exceptions by putting some extra cash on those packages he keeps inconspicuously leaving around town... and this week is one of those exceptions! Just collect it and get double the cash and experience. Want something more hardcore? Join Rhino Hunt, where it's you, a Rhino and sticky bombs. You better pray to any deities you believe in I suppose. And if you're in the mood for something perhaps less violent, check out dizzying (because you go round and round get it ha) bonuses on Hotring Circuit Races. Plus, check out brand-new Community Jobs, all on a 3x bonus as usual. As such: 2x GTA$ and RP on G's Caches 2x GTA$ and RP on Rhino Hunt 2x GTA$ and 4x RP on Hotring Circuit Races 3x GTA$ and RP on new Community Series Jobs Discounts GTA+ Gun Van discount is noted in a Rockstar-like colour. 30% off Apartment Properties Grotti Stinger GT Coil Raiden Pfister 811 Vapid Bullet Truffade Nero Dinka Kanjo SJ Överflöd Tyrant Gun Van: 40% off: Service Carbine 40% off: Assault SMG (available for everyone, discounted on GTA+) By @JustinR512 (source) Miscellaneous Salvage Yard Vehicles & Robberies Each week, Jamal and Yusuf Amir find some brand-new vehicles for you to source for your Chop Shop, and for Jamal to perhaps plaster all over Snapmatic and other social media. This week, check out the following propositions: The Cargo Ship Robbery: Vapid Clique The Duggan Robbery: Vapid Dominator ASP The Podium Robbery: Ocelot Virtue The Diamond Casino & Resort Lucky Wheel Last week, most Casino attendees were probably a bit too busy having their head in the clouds, and probably not because of gambling their savings way to the Vice City themed slot machine, but rather because they were racing in the literal clouds - perhaps even with some Lucky Wheel winnings! Quiet week for the Diamond Casino staff, something that might be about to change however as Jamal and Yusuf seemed to have been seen casing the Podium storage again, much to Felipe's unhappiness... Still, they'll have something that's not the usual at the Lucky Wheel, and it certainly won't be what Salvage Yard owners are about to steal. Perform any rituals and pray to any deities you believe in, then spin that wheel for a chance to win a Shitzu Hakuchou Drag - you can even bring it to Hao for an extra speed boost! LS Car Meet Prize Ride Last week, the LS Car Meet saw an equal amount of decreasing activity because, well, they don't have ramps, it's a warehouse repurposed into a test track and a car meet! But that didn't stop some from going in and still testing their driving skills or trying for that one thing on top of the Slamtruck - after all it's free as long as you're decent at racing, right? Speaking of - win in the LS Car Meet Series for two days in a row to win a Vulcar Warrener HKR. For testing and/or buying this week (all 30% off) Coil Raiden (R) Pfister 811 (R) Vapid Bullet (R) Meanwhile at Hao's desk, he's once again working on an original HSW project that got many people to love his mods! Head on over to his desk on the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series and buy, test or upgrade the Karin S95 HSW. Premium Deluxe Motorsports Grotti Stinger GT (also 30% off) (R) Enus Cognoscenti (R) Gallivanter Baller LE (R) Obey 9F Cabrio (R) LCC Hexer (R) Luxury Autos Canis Castigator Declasse Yosemite 1500 By @DanDaFreakinMan (source) Time Trials and Premium Races This week across the state of San Andreas, find the following time trials and premium race. Muscle Premium Race: Muscle In Regular Time Trial: LSIA II HSW Time Trial: Ron Alternates to Elysian Island Weekly Challenge Starting with the Chop Shop DLC, citizens all across the state now don't only have a few daily objectives to perform, but also a weekly challenge, for a free GTA$100K: Complete 3 Hits for Martin Madrazo More info on the Rockstar Newswire <- Previous Event Week As this is a preview, any information in this post is subject to change and any corrections or missing details will be added as found. The descriptions are my own creative descriptions of things and are not information given by Rockstar or official game lore, unless otherwise specified. A simple brief + list of the Event is given to fan pages - all descriptions, parody, etc. are my own. (R) - Vehicles that were removed from the shops but can now be acquired/won again that week
    19 points
  33. This week and until 17th July, Vincent Effenburger is getting serious about those jobs he's been offering you for a few weeks now! Two new law enforcement vehicles are dropping in Los Santos to help you and him in your endeavours, monetary rewards are being given for completing Dispatch Work, SecuroServ offers a bonus for Special Vehicle Races, race against time in he tiniest vehicles for extra on RC Time Trials, and more! Remember this is just a preview, and information may change. On top of that, Rockstar may reserve things for their own Newswire. We understand that not every Event Week will be to everyone's liking, some will certainly be more exciting than others, but anyway... Let's get started! Whoop-Whoop, That's the Sound of... Dispatch Work! New Vehicles and Rewards Ever since Bail Offices opened across Los Santos, and ever since the Cluckin' Bell Farm was raided, Vincent Effenburger has been cooking some things behind the scenes. Dispatch Work allows you to be a police officer, like you never knew you'd want before... except with policing the police themselves! This week, two new vehicles - the Impaler LX Cruiser and the Dominator FX Interceptor drop on Warstock Cache & Carry to aid you in your Dispatch adventures, or, well, if you're feeling that whiff of authority abuse power, even roleplay as a cop! On top of that, Vincent's arranging some good rewards to incentivise you with helping him with his problem called LSPD - rewards for completing 1, 3 and 6 Dispatch Work Jobs. As such: New Vehicles: Vapid Dominator FX Interceptor Declasse Impaler LX Cruiser Rewards: Complete 1 Dispatch Work Job to receive GTA$100K Complete 3 Dispatch Work Jobs to receive another GTA$100K As a Weekly Challenge detailed at the end By @ForDer089 (source) Racing Goes Higher Stakes with Bonuses on Time Trials, Stunt Races, Special Vehicle Races and Junk Energy Skydives Who says that racing has to be in an enclosed Open Wheel track driving a vehicle lighter than a feather? In fact, why not take that light vehicle action up a notch and just outright fly? That's right, and this week, even SecuroServ is your racing buddy, as they're giving out more money for races using Special Vehicles - which you may or may not own. If you're not a fan of the odd, militarised stuff, you can join Stunt Races for double the cash and quadruple the reputation, or even prove that once again size doesn't matter in RC Time Trials. As these propositions were made of course, Junk Energy had to have a say in the matter as well, and their sponsored Skydives will be on a bonus as well, should you prefer the feeling of the parachute fabric on your face... if it fails of course. 2x GTA$ and RP on Special Vehicle Races 2x GTA$ and RP on RC Time Trials 2x GTA$ and RP on Junk Energy Skydives 2x GTA$ and 4x RP on Stunt Races Discounts As more vehicles shipped to Los Santos last month, interested citizens all vocalised mostly one thing. "My garages are full!", "I don't have enough space!". This week, realtors are hearing you, and you'll probably be giving them money, with discounts on garages, some vehicles for you to put in them, and, well... utility clothing, should you have to get down to business. At the Gun Van, a neat alternate version of an old, trusty classic. For those who are members of Los Santos' VIP club GTA+, you'll get your additional typical Gun Van discount - it's noted in a Rockstar-like colour. Until 17th July: 30% off Garage Properties (All Sizes) Vapid Clique Declasse Walton L35 Lampadati Cinquemila 50% off Utility Tops, Vests and Pants Gun Van: 50% off: Combat Pistol 30% off: Compact Rifle (available for everyone, discounted on GTA+) By @Tanvir135i (source) Miscellaneous Salvage Yard Vehicles & Robberies Each week, Jamal and Yusuf Amir find some brand-new vehicles for you to source for your Chop Shop, and for Jamal to perhaps plaster all over Snapmatic and other social media. This week, check out the following propositions: The McTony Robbery: Weeny Issi Rally The Duggan Robbery: Lampadati Tropos Rallye The Gangbanger Robbery: Enus Stafford The Diamond Casino & Resort Lucky Wheel Last week, the Diamond Casino had to deal with both 4th of July celebrations, and some people still reeling from a previous military-focused event, on top of those CEO's pledging allegiance to Agent 47 and his efforts to "save the nation"... at least so it appears, with this week's Lucky Wheel choice. Staff, including our good, peaceful friend Felipe, don't seem to be expecting much of a ruckus this week, perhaps, well, except the folks who are still hitting the bottom floor vault, and the one guard who keeps getting sick... wonder what that's about. Speaking of the Lucky Wheel, it's a heavy one, so heavy that you might have to give your rituals a bit of an extra practise this week. Pray to any deities you believe in, perform your usual rituals and spin the Lucky Wheel for a chance to win a HVY Insurgent. LS Car Meet Prize Ride This week, the LS Car Meet continues to see an influx of strangers apparently going after one of their richer members, but then again they don't seem to care much, as apparently, the guy is indeed a bit of a nuisance, and annoying at that. It also appears nobody cares about his Vorschlaghammer, which just lowers the stakes on this anyway. On top of that Slamtruck meanwhile, a Sports car that might look like something you see in traffic but not quite, unless you're rich of course. It'll be all yours if you place Top 3 in the LS Car Meet Series for 3 days in a row to win the Albany V-STR. For testing and/or buying this week: Vapid Clique (also 30% off) (R) Albany Hermes (R) Coil Voltic (R) Meanwhile at Hao's, he's working on something that might once again surprise some tuner-heads, but don't be tricked! In fact, as Legendary Motorsport themselves say, if you think it's weird, or slow for Hao to be doing - "please do yourself a favour, put the peyote down." Indeed, as this week he's supercharging an SUV. Head on over to his metaphorical shrine at the LS Car Meet and test, buy or upgrade the Pfister Astron Custom HSW. Premium Deluxe Motorsports Överflöd Entity XF (R) Coil Brawler (R) Pegassi Esskey (R) Vapid Contender (R) Obey 9F (R) Luxury Autos Bollokan Envisage Enus Paragon S By @MekhiSkyline (source) Time Trials and Premium Races This week across the state of San Andreas, find the following time trials and premium race. Supers Premium Race: Senora Freeway Regular Time Trial: Grove St. HSW Time Trial: Textile City to Stab City Weekly Challenge Starting with the Chop Shop DLC, citizens all across the state now don't only have a few daily objectives to perform, but also a weekly challenge, for a free GTA$100K: Complete 6 Dispatch Work Jobs More info on the Rockstar Newswire <- Previous Event Week As this is a preview, any information in this post is subject to change and any corrections or missing details will be added as found. The descriptions are my own creative descriptions of things and are not information given by Rockstar or official game lore, unless otherwise specified. A simple brief + list of the Event is given to fan pages - all descriptions, parody, etc. are my own. (R) - Vehicles that were removed from the shops but can now be acquired/won again that week
    19 points
  34. Benefactor69

    Level of detail on cars, what do you guys think it'll be like?

    This subject has already been covered in the Vehicle Database but I'll repost my finds here since it seems relevant. I'm pretty sure all of the cars now will have detailed and unique interiors, and the days of the ill-fitting copy pasted interiors from V are thankfully over. After all the V interiors were kind of an afterthought added to the game later whereas VI will be the first GTA game designed with first person mode in mind. Quite a few car interiors have been seen between the leaks and the trailer and so far almost all of them have been detailed and based their real life counterparts which suggests they will be unique. I don't know the extent of how interactive these interiors will be, but I do think cars will have their own interiors now. Keep in mind that by the time GTA VI releases GTA V will be the same age GTA III was when GTA V released (12 years), graphics may have reached the point of diminishing returns but other features will be much more advanced or developed than before. Here are most of the interiors we've seen so far: 1. 1971 Ford Ranchero (Americas 2022-06-27 14-52-04 at 00:10) - Camera briefly clips into the interior showing the dash which is almost identical to that of the real Ranchero. 2. Declasse Tulip (Trailer 1 at 01:01) - Dash is unique and somewhat similar to the real 1972 Chevy Malibu, the steering wheel is almost identical. 3. 1972 Buick Estate Wagon (Americas 2022-06-14 19-28-07 at 00:54) - Interior and dash can be seen through the window, it differs from the real full-size Buick interior but is instead similar to that of the smaller Skylark. 4. Imponte Ruiner (Trailer 1 at 00:51) - Only the door panel is visible but it is different than what the Ruiner had in V and has a similar arm rest to the real Pontiac Firebird. It is closer to the Ruiner's original and unique IV interior but still not quite the same. 5. Vapid Stanier 1st gen (Americas 2022-01-20 11-18-26) - Not much of the interior can be seen but it has new seats, an added 3rd brakelight, and now features the ability to be recoloured. 6. 1995 Ford Explorer (Americas 2022-04-06 15-55-26 at 00:18) - Camera briefly clips inside showing the red interior, which appears to be similar to the real Explorer's interior with the central control hub in the middle and the same door armrests. It doesn't look very high quality in the clip but that may be due to graphics settings or it being unfinished. 7. Updated Karin Sultan (Trailer 1 at 00:45) - Not much of the interior is visible but the distinctive Lexus IS300 gauge 'hood' can be seen through the front windshield. 8. Bravado Buffalo 1st gen (Trailer 1 at 00:45) - Also not much is visible but it appears to feature a center console that wraps over the top of the dashboard like the real Charger it is based on. 9. Benefactor Schafter LWB (Americas_1 2022-09-01 14-37-21) - Interior is the same as in V but much more detailed, as the Schafter is the "parent" car of this interior and the car it was made for before being copied into 50 other cars it would make sense for this design to be retained on this car even if the interiors are more unique now. 10. Pegassi Toros (Americas 2022-09-13 17-16-42 & Americas 2022-09-13 17-17-43 & Americas 2022-09-13 19-08-17) - Interior is completely different and much more detailed than it is in V, and is also very close to that of the real Lamborghini Urus. We could see the insides of a few other cars but I believe what they had were just placeholders: 11. Karin Rebel (Americas_1 2022-08-02 18-34-23 at 00:06) - It has the same Bobcat derived interior it had in V, but it looks even lower quality than in V with the radio being a flat texture instead of 3D etc so I believe it's a placeholder. I don't think the Rebel will still have the same interior when the game releases. 12. Imponte DF8-90 (Americas_1 2022-05-24 17-19-42 at 00:04) - The interior is an empty black void, it's clearly unfinished and has yet to receive a proper interior. It wouldn't make much sense for all of the cars we've seen so far (even in the leaks) to just happen to have interiors based on their real life equivalents and then in the final game have those be exceptions and use the same few copy pasted interiors in everything else again. It isn't like all of these are "hero" cars either, many of them are just random traffic cars. Unrelated to the above, I think this is the first time I've seen someone say that Grand Theft Auto isn't a car centred game. Maybe not in the same way that Forza is, but I would say it's still centred around cars for the most part.
    19 points
  35. Kentyark

    Annis Euros X32 - Discussion and Appreciation Thread

    19 points
  36. ClydeYellow

    Invetero Coquette D1 Appreciation Thread

    Rare! 1956 Invetero Coquette. Inca Silver Metallic w/ white coves and red interior - one of only a dozen built. Comes with factory hard top, HiPo engine option and four-speed manual gearbox. No lowballers, no highballers, I ain't selling.
    19 points
  37. happygrowls


    anyone else remember YMEP?
    18 points
  38. snl_rif


    Has anyone discussed this yet? I decided to look at the leak again and noticed that the painting above the bed in the motel video is a screenshot from GTAV Of course at the development stage it is done as a placeholder, but I think already in the first trailer and judging by the grass on this frame I can assume that on release we will see the same picture that was redrawn taking this screenshot as the main reference. I need new info, I'm losing my mind.
    18 points
  39. JoonasPRKL

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    18 points
  40. Bravado Buffalo

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    18 points
  41. crsN

    Benefactor Vorschlaghammer Appreciation

    18 points
  42. The-Ghost


    Oh we are back to pinned tweets, we are sooooo back let's go
    18 points
  43. Attramet

    Grand Theft Auto IV Beta Hunt

    Been keeping various beta finds on my PC, guess it's time to share what has been lying for a long time. So, the first thing I want to share is that in files the name of cutscene elevator doors refers to CIA (ULP), but there's no cutscene with ULP where elevator doors can be seen. cselevatorcia The only time these doors can be seen is in cutscenes with Playboy X, absolutely no connections with ULP here. I wonder if these doors were used either in early version of one of the already existing cutscenes, or there were more missions for ULP, because in .gxt file the missions for this character are sorted very inconveniently and unclear, here's what I mean There are total of 4 missions for ULP, but why Dust Off listed as the fifth mission in the .gxt file? and why first and last one not numbered at all and have a somewhat random name? I got a feeling that these missions were either a late addition or changed drastically, since this is clearly unusual situation for organizing missions in .gxt file. But the mysteries don’t end here, when I was looking into game.dat16 file, I noticed that for the ULP R* planned to make set of audio, apparently for the in-game model, but there's no in-game model of ULP. I chose Pegorino as an example because he has complete set of audio and configuration for it accordingly. When I was looking at the textures of some buildings, I noticed this thing about one building in Downtown Broker. This is rare case when devs leave the original texture in the files; you can even see how new sign textures were added on top of the old ones. I decided to try restore at least one of the original sign texture and here's the result Even tho I didn't try to achieve perfect result, part of the jewelry sign texture fits perfectly to the final sign model, pretty sure this is how it may looked initially in game. oh phone number same on both signs, didn't noticed it when I was writing text for the post Now some beta finds related to pedestrians On in-game TV there is a moment where very rare M_M_Fedco ped can be spotted, but in a slightly different look In final game this pedestrian don't have that much variety, however pedvariation.dat file seems to refers to beta model of this ped, and here is why I think this don't pay much attention to russian text, there is nothing important about it If you still have no clue what I wanna say, his final model has only 3 components, meanwhile pedvariation.dat mentions 6, I believe that these 3 (2 really because feet line is used as dummy for most of cases) removed parts were shown on that TV footage, but this is not over yet, since texture file of this ped has this thing: For whatever reason specular texture for uppr_000 listed as 001, could this mean that "upprs" were swapped? or this was just a mistake by developer who edited this ped Next ped for analysis called M_M_Pbusiness_01 who has 7 unused tie textures. I also showed the textures of the suits that this pedestrian has, but none of them could be used with these ties, because in the beta he had completely different suit models. There's more images exists with this ped and these suits, but these are the best ones, so anyway we are lucky that one of these suits exists in the game and is used by one of the italian mafia ped, as well as the tie model, so I decided to restore it and here's how it looks But alas, not everything is perfect with this stuff, the second model of the suit was unique and none of the pedestrians in the game has it. Before ending this post, I want to announce that I am planning a big post with beta finds, and for much better look of it I would need some video and gif demonstrations, so if anyone who has the desire and skills to work with such stuff, contact me and I will give further information, in fact there is nothing complicated because there's even no need to boot up the game to showcase certain features.
    18 points
  44. Zapper


    I see we're at this phase again
    17 points
  45. This week, 'Murica celebrates yet another independence anniversary, and that means hiding your pets, hiding yourself and everyone you love from all the madness... or partake in it yourself! Starting tomorrow, check out Independence Day content and rewards, Överflöd finally ships the Pipistrello for general availability, your Mobile Operations Centre becomes quite profitable, and more! Remember this is just a preview, and information may change. On top of that, Rockstar may reserve things for their own Newswire. We understand that not every Event Week will be to everyone's liking, some will certainly be more exciting than others, but anyway... Let's get started! Bring Out the Liberators! Celebrate 'Murica and Beer, Defend America Los Santos from Threats in your MOC and... Defend a Panto! While you're reading this, it's very likely that people across Los Santos and even beyond, somewhere in another universe (the real world) are already throwing parties, launching fireworks, flying the American flag on every kilometre mile of the neighbourhood, or blasting Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" at a volume so loud you'll be deaf. That's right, if the madness of Independence Day isn't your thing (sure is not mine across the pond), it's probably best to hunker down as things will likely get even crazier tomorrow! CEO's run to Business Battles to get their limited edition Pißwasser or America themed hats, some plant explosives and fireworks everywhere across the city, and others... will want to DEFEND AMERICA! Take the cobwebs off of your Mobile Operations Centre and get ready to defend the nation from totally concerning military drama, straight from Agent 14's repertoire of jobs, for a whopping triple the rewards. If the last thing you want to do is defend America, of all things, then you can participate in a thrilling match of... trying to get a Panto to the finish line whilst avoiding all of the other defenders. Much like - oh - American football. And yes, I'm calling it that. As such, this week in GTA Online and until 10th July: 3x GTA$ and RP on Mobile Operations Missions 2x GTA$ and RP on Running Back (Remix) Login any time this week to receive the Fireworks Bucket Hat, Stars and Stripes Bucket Hat, and the Lady Liberty Bucket Hat Returning to Business Battles: drops for the Pißwasser Beer Hat, Benedict Beer Hat, Patriot Beer Hat, Supa Wet Beer Hat, and the Statue of Happiness T-Shirt By @OhhCurly__ on (X)itter (source) Överflöd Finally Ships the Pipistrello to Everyone! Last week, the Eccles family came back with a bit of a surprise - an actual whole bounty hunting business alongside a Bail Office, all for you, with the help of Maude's charming daughter - Jenette. With that increased monetary activity around the city however, Överflöd saw an in - "how about we let some of Los Santos' premium citizens try and purchase our brand-new car, get some feedback then ship it to everyone else?" That is exactly what happened, and this week, the brand-new-ish Överflöd Pipistrello will be available for everyone to purchase - with all the speed that you need to... according to Legendary Motorsport, "outrun your problems with the sprezzatura of a prime minister evading another parliamentary sex scandal." and yes, that does include watching questionable videos of Princess Robot Bubblegum in that same Parliament. Don't do that. The Överflöd Pipistrello will be available to purchase for GTA$2,950,000 at Legendary Motorsport. By @TheLordMarvel (source) Discounts This week, your efforts to defend the nation can be made easier with discounts on Mobile Operations Centres, and all Independence Day themed vehicles and items. Not your thing? Storm off the madness with discounts on some Sports cars, and even Muscles if you still want a memory of America. At the Gun Van... of course they'd be celebrating 4th of July! There's something for everyone - from fireworks, to muskets, and those part of Los Santos' VIP club GTA+ will get an extra discount on those things, to cause even more mayhem than they've ever wanted to - YEE-HAW! GTA+ discounts are noted in a Rockstar-like colour. 30% off Mobile Operations Centre Vehicle, Upgrades and Modifications Übermacht Revolter Weeny Dynasty Declasse Vigero ZX Convertible Bravado Hotring Hellfire 50% off All Independence Day Themed Vehicles and Items USA Parachute Bag Gun Van: 60% off (70% off): Fireworks Launcher and Musket FREE for GTA+: Marksman Pistol By @MrThankUvryMuch (source) Miscellaneous Salvage Yard Vehicles & Robberies Each week, Jamal and Yusuf Amir find some brand-new vehicles for you to source for your Chop Shop, and for Jamal to perhaps plaster all over Snapmatic and other social media. This week, check out the following propositions, with a brand-new claimable vehicle! The Podium Robbery: Karin Boor with Liberty City plate (claimable!) The Gangbanger Robbery: Bravado Buffalo STX The McTony Robbery: Invetero Coquette D10 The Diamond Casino & Resort Lucky Wheel Last week's predictions were true! The Diamond Casino staff has seen a big surge in activity, from already established entrepreneurs wanting more of the usual, to up and coming Bail Office owners or car enthusiasts looking for a way to get all of the new stuff - that is of course if they didn't lose it all in one second... or get flagged as a troublemaker by the Casino! More on that in a bit... Speaking of staff, Felipe has a bit of a bad feeling again considering the heightened activity at The Diamond, and he would indeed be right as it appears there's quite a bit of action expected in that Lucky Wheel garage - with a Liberty City plate no less. Spare him a few bucks for his fundraiser? It just never ends for him! At the Lucky Wheel... well, most times you wouldn't mind getting that elusive Cash slice if it's not the Vehicle, but this time, a system error seems to be making it so some who land on that slice get flagged as troublemakers, and get their membership temporarily revoked! (kicked from the game, maybe PC only?) Thus far, the Diamond still hasn't been able to nail down the cause, but they still encourage everyone to spin that Wheel, and get a potential taste of America's mountains in the smoothest way possible. Pray to your deities, perform your usual rituals, and spin the Lucky Wheel for a chance to win the Karin Boor offroader. LS Car Meet Prize Ride Just today, the LS Car Meet has had a bit of a strange incursion, perhaps the strangest they've seen since inception! A bunch of strangers (totally not members of the Car Meet) storming in looking for an "Omar", and ramming him out of his Vorschlaghammer, and even stealing one or more of the ECU's stored in other members' vehicles. Quite the thing, but all in all, it appears there's been some relative excitement for new appearances at the Car Meet with this past week's new shipment of vehicles and, well, upcoming ones, especially those with Drift specs. On top of that Slamtruck this week will be something that you could use to place 'Murica on the rally ranks! You just need to be any kind of decent at racing! Place Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series for two days in a row to win the Obey Omnis. For testing and/or buying this week: Übermacht Revolver (also 30% off) (R) Declasse Tulip (R) Invetero Coquette (R) Last week, Hao's gotten his hands on one of the newest Übermacht additions, and this week he'll have it for show and for testing! On PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, drop by his desk at the Car Meet and check out, test or buy the Übermacht Niobe HSW. Not even Neo would see you speed past on this one. Premium Deluxe Motorsports Declasse Vamos (R) Vapid Caracara 4x4 Weeny Dynasty (also 30% off) (R) Enus Cognoscenti 55 (R) Western Sovereign (also 50% off) Luxury Autos Överflöd Pipistrello Annis Euros X32 By @allendude51 (source) Time Trials and Premium Races This week across the state of San Andreas, find the following time trials and premium race. Muscle Classics Premium Race: Down the Drain Regular Time Trial: Vinewood Hills HSW Time Trial: Sandy Shores to La Puerta Weekly Challenge Starting with the Chop Shop DLC, citizens all across the state now don't only have a few daily objectives to perform, but also a weekly challenge, for a free GTA$100K: Complete 3 Mobile Operations Missions More info on the Rockstar Newswire <- Previous Event Week (Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC) As this is a preview, any information in this post is subject to change and any corrections or missing details will be added as found. The descriptions are my own creative descriptions of things and are not information given by Rockstar or official game lore, unless otherwise specified. A simple brief + list of the Event is given to fan pages - all descriptions, parody, etc. are my own. (R) - Vehicles that were removed from the shops but can now be acquired/won again that week
    17 points
  46. Electronic Farts

    Declasse Yosemite 1500 Appreciation Thread

    Off to work!
    17 points
  47. TheMadeMan

    TheMadeMan's Workshop & TMM Auto Imports

    I don't make weapons. Your best bet is to just reverse engineer an existing model. Hello everyone! It's been a while here! Since then, I have made and released 2 unlore vehicles. These are real life vehicles with real badges and design, now available in my own style. Most of the features remain the same as standard San Andreas quality, but with additional things. You can find these at the now new "Unlore section" at the bottom of the OP! Back on track with my own style of cars, I have also made a lore vehicle. 1992 Annis FS-150. It's based on the 1989 Mazda Familia Astina/323F. Thanks to szarikow for ordering! All of these mods are now available at the OP!
    17 points

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    if anyone wants their Dominator to look like the uranus wreck ooor just give it a new coat of paint then #8c2823AA is the one for you!
    17 points
  49. ForDer089

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    17 points
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