The Next Best Book Club discussion

Personal Reading Goals > Jason's 2009 Good (and not so good) Reads

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message 1: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments I'm only joining now and we're already into May but based on my reading so far, I aim to complete at least 120 books. That's normal paper books, audiobooks and graphic books. At least 75 of them are to be non-graphic, paper books.

message 8: by Ed (new)

Ed (ejhahn) | 193 comments Jason,

When do you eat and sleep? (Grin)

message 9: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments Eat and sleep! What are they?

59. Please Explain by Karl Kruszelnicki

message 10: by Ed (new)

Ed (ejhahn) | 193 comments Jason wrote: "Eat and sleep! What are they?

59. Please Explain by Karl Kruszelnicki"

Eating and sleeping are functions supposedly necessary for the continuation of life. Not as important as breathing but important, nevertheless.

message 11: by Kim (new)

Kim | 4 comments Do you listen to audiobooks while sleeping?

message 12: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments Lol. No my audiobooks are reserved for when I'm walking, ironing or when I work weekends.

60. Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan
61. Anathem by Neal Stephenson (audiobook) 42 hours!
62. Broken Angels by Richard Morgan

message 13: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
All of this has been read since the begining of the year??????!!!!

message 14: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
"Eating and sleeping are functions supposedly necessary for the continuation of life."


message 15: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments 63. Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix

message 16: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments Lori wrote: "All of this has been read since the begining of the year??????!!!!"

Yes, though there are quite a few audiobooks there. And the graphic novels are mostly quick reads.

message 19: by Jason (new)

Jason | 23 comments 68. Lies Deep Fries and Statistics Edited by Robyn Williams

message 21: by Jason (last edited Aug 14, 2009 06:47PM) (new)

message 23: by Jason (last edited Aug 21, 2009 08:30AM) (new)

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