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Build a route planner with Maps Autocomplete and Routes API

Whether you are embarking on a road trip, planning your daily commute, or navigating a bustling city, getting from point A to point B is more than just knowing where you want to go. A reliable route generation tool is essential.

With Google Maps Platform, you can easily add a dynamic map into your application, let users quickly input locations with autocomplete, and display routes on the map.

This Codelab guides developers through building a web application using Maps JavaScript API, Place Autocomplete, and the Routes API. You will master integrating multiple Google Maps Platform APIs through a hands-on tutorial.

This is the code referenced in the Build a route planner with Maps Autocomplete and Routes API code lab from Google.

What you'll learn

  • How to enable Google Maps Platform APIs
  • How to integrate a dynamic map into a web application
  • How to integrate Places Autocomplete service
  • How to request a route through the Routes API
  • How to display the route on a dynamic map
  • How to create a Map ID
  • How to add Advanced Markers to a dynamic map

What you'll need

  • A Google Cloud Platform Project
  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Maps Place Autocomplete
  • Maps Routes API
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Familiarity using Javascript/Node.js


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