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Releases: RedChimera/IWD2EE

IWD2EE Version

26 Jun 21:25
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  • Fixed a bug where Reflect Attack and certain similar effects were displaying debug messages.
  • Fixed a bug where Emma Moonblade wouldn't cast spells in the fight where she first appears.
  • Emma Moonblade should start with proficiency in flails and hammers if Class Revisions is installed. This change is not retroactive if Emma has already joined the party.

IWD2EE Version 3.3.1

24 Jun 17:03
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  • IWD2EE now has an Italian translation (Thanks @Improbabile68!)
  • Fixed more bugs with auto-pause (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • Fixed a bug where dismissing the spell information popup would toggle quickloot (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • Raise Dead can now be cast on elves at a temple (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • Fixed a bug where monk fists at certain levels weren't flagged as monk weapons and thus didn't get additional attacks per round.
  • Fixed a bug where switching to a shorter-range weapon in combat could potentially let you do an attack of opportunity due to an enemy "moving out of your range" even if the enemy didn't actually move.
  • Attacks of opportunity should now correctly break stealth/invisibility on the attacker.
  • All quest items can now be stored in a Bag of Holding.
  • Buying a container from Arte won't crash the game.
  • The spell DC bonus from Robes of the Archmagi should now work properly.
  • Bards should correctly be able to replace one of their 1st-level spells at level 7.
  • A lich PC that uses either of the IWD lich animations will move at the same speed as a regular character, and Polymorph Self should work correctly for a lich PC. The first change is retroactive for characters who have already taken the fifth rank in the feat; the second change is not.
  • Fixed some bugs where certain spells lasted a different duration than was stated in their description.
  • Impervious Sanctity of Mind now can be cast on allies, and has a shorter casting time.
  • Simple Summoning now offers a save when cast on an enemy, and its range is now restricted to the caster's visual range.
  • The spell Confusion should now work properly.
  • Teleport Step is now an epic spell rather than an 8th-level spell.

IWD2EE Version 3.3.0

05 Apr 05:35
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  • IWD2EE now has a Russian translation. (Thanks @abalabokhin, klichko86 and rytomen!)
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where Auto-Pause on Spell Cast could mess with spell probabilities. (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • Buying an unidentified item won't crash the game. (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • The amount of time it takes for creatures to become visible upon entering the party's vision has been reduced from 2/5 of a second to 1/15 of a second, which fixes certain dialogue bugs. (Thanks @Bubb13!)
  • The initial narration screens for Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 now have the same new frame that the screens for the prologue and Chapters 1 and 2 did.
  • It should now be possible to complete the Horde Fortress quest and collect your reward in Targos after making a deal with Guthma.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where it was possible for clerics to spontaneously cast a spell even if they had already already cast a spell that round.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where if you had a character attempt to drink a potion while the game was paused, and you then put a different item in that potion's slot before unpausing the game, the character would use an ability of the item that was put in the slot, even if the character shouldn't be able to use that item.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where a male human wizard wearing an Archmagi-style robe would vanish momentarily when thrusting with a two-handed weapon in certain directions (yes, it really is that specific of a bug).
  • If you start recording buffs with the autobuffing system while you already have buffs recorded, it now warns you that the actions you record will be added onto the old recording, and if you want to start a fresh recording, you should first delete the old one.
  • Monk fist progression has been somewhat quickened, so that they get +1 fists at level 5, and an additional +1 every 3 levels thereafter, up to +5 fists at level 17.
  • The Guardian now uses a couple more abilities that black dragons have in PnP.
  • The party no longer automatically rests after defeating the Guardian, though they are still fully healed and have all their spells restored (flavor-wise, this is due to the "burst of health and vitality" they get after beating the Guardian). It doesn't make sense for the party to go to sleep at a time when they desperately need to rush for the portal.
  • Lawful-aligned weapons now bypass the damage reduction of demons, and chaotic-aligned weapons now bypass the damage reduction of devils and devas. Given how often demons and devils fight each other, it's reasonable for them to be able to bypass each other's damage reduction.
  • It is now significantly less likely for a Glabrezu or Cornugon to spawn at low ranks in the Battle Square.
  • Fixed a bug where certain regeneration items would stop working when the game was reloaded.
  • The Toughness feat should work correctly.
  • Fixed a few bugs regarding the feats of the NPCs that can join the party.
  • Multiple instances of Doom no longer stack, but the casting time of Doom has been reduced and it now lasts 1 minute/level like in PnP.
  • Darkness now correctly applies an attack penalty to darkvision races.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to duplicate items by stealing them from the "Projecting Body" that the Project Image spell uses the represent the caster (stealing an item from the "Projecting Body" now results in the item being stolen from the actual caster).
  • Fixed a bug where Horrid Wilting could affect objects/constructs.
  • Otto's Irresistible Spin should now correctly cause enemies to spin rather than just stand in place.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.9

18 Feb 20:59
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  • IWD2EE's core modifications are now a separate component, which must be installed for any other component to be installed.
  • The component that increases the XP cap should work correctly.
  • The cost of Raise Dead at a temple has been lowered. Since raising a party member at a temple already comes with the inconvenience of having to backtrack to the temple and then return to where you were, and the party cleric will eventually get the ability to cast Raise Dead without paying anything, there's no need for it to cost a lot.
  • The spells Second Chance, Holy Weapon, Flame Shots, Guidance and Perception Filter should show the correct icon on the character record screen.
  • Great Fortitude, Iron Will, and Lightning Reflexes should correctly give +3 to their save as the description says, rather than +2.
  • Fixed a bug where the compatibility patch would apply the penalties given to HoF creatures by IWD2EE's components a second time.
  • Fixed a compatibility problem where the IWD2-Ease component "Some Heart of Fury Items In Normal Mode" would make it so the penalties given to HoF creatures by IWD2EE's components - as well as certain bonuses to HoF creatures - would also be applied to non-HoF enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to pick up duplicates of a character's equipment with quickloot right after they were resurrected when Auto Pause on Spell Cast was enabled.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.8

06 Feb 18:18
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  • Pressing ESC during wizard spell learning or sorcerer/bard spell replacement will not crash the game, though for technical reasons it will not let you go back either (wizard spell learning and sorcerer/bard spell replacement are done after the normal level up process is completed, so it's too late to undo the level up).
  • Barbarians no longer get missile resistance on level up (they will still resist missile damage, since missile damage is resisted by both piercing and missile resistance combined, or both bludgeoning and missile resistance combined depending on the type of ammo). This change is retroactive.
  • Effects which modify casting time should work correctly.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where saving and reloading the game while a party member was in the Eight Chambers on Heart of Fury Mode would cause all other party members to receive HoF bonuses.
  • Fixed a bug where kicking a character out of the party and then saving and reloading on HoF would cause that party member to gain HoF bonuses even when they rejoined the party.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sword of Myrloch Vale was for some reason not flagged as a critical item, so it could potentially disappear if left in a pile on the ground and the party then left the area, rested for a day, then returned.
  • Fixed a bug where the stat boosts from one-time wishes from the spell Wish could potentially be applied to someone other than the caster.
  • Fixed a bug where an incapacitated character could potentially make attacks of opportunity.
  • Fixed a bug where effects meant to increase the DC of spells of a certain school would actually increase the DC of all schools.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping a shortbow, light crossbow, or sling would increase the sneak attack damage of spells.
  • Fixed a bug where the effects of Empower Spell were applied twice to Shocking Grasp. Shocking Grasp should now be able to sneak attack as intended.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where saving and reloading the game immediately after freeing the prisoners in the Ice Temple could give you the experience for freeing them more than once.
  • It should be more difficult to skip the trigger that brings the dragon out of the cave in Chapter 3.
  • The Bracers of Improved Expertise effect should work somewhat better.
  • Ruinlord Argos Val should defend himself when attacked.
  • Vrek, Vunarg and Xhaan should move at the same default speed as other PCs (Vrek will move slightly faster than that due to being a barbarian). This will not be applied retroactively in saves where they've already joined the party.
  • The "Attempts to gate in allies" abilities of fiends have been weakened. They are more likely to fail and can no longer summon a fiend just as powerful as the summoner.
  • If you steal the magic items from the named duergar in Chapter 3 without killing them, those duergar will have those items replaced by nonmagical items in Chapter 4.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.7

16 Jan 23:27
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  • If you started IWD2EE by clicking on IWD2.exe, the error message you get during character creation or when you load a save game is changed to "You must run IWD2EE.exe instead of IWD2.exe".
  • The weapon damage info on the character record screen now takes generic damage bonuses and luck into account.
  • Enemy clerics should now use Turn Undead.
  • As in PnP, when an evil cleric uses Turn Undead on their own undead minions, those undead are not turned, but are instead bolstered, making them more difficult to turn by enemy clerics. If those undead were already turned by an enemy cleric, Turn Undead can also potentially dispel the enemy's turn attempt.
  • Fixed a bug where Veira would be unable to return to her natural form after casting Polymorph Self. As per ghosts in PnP, Veira now counts as 4 levels higher for purposes of resisting Turn Undead.
  • Fixed a bug where paladin and monk multiclass restrictions were sometimes not properly disabled. These restrictions are also now only disabled if you have Class Revisions installed.
  • Fixed a bug where the XP penalty adjustment meant to be done by the "Revise racial level adjustment/ECL" component would also be done by Race Revisions even if you didn't have the former installed.
  • Fixed a bug where a simulacrum summoned by a Mask domain spell wouldn't have cleric spells.
  • Fixed a bug where a simulacrum might not retain its actionbar buttons after the game was restarted and reloaded.
  • When sneak attacking with a non-lingering AoE spell using the Knave's Robe, it will trigger a sneak attack on every enemy hit for whom the sneak attack was valid (as opposed to just the first enemy hit, as before).
  • Fixed a bug where confused creatures weren't made vulnerable to sneak attacks.
  • Fixed a bug where death attacks could trigger from spells that aren't supposed to be compatible with sneak attacks.
  • Gust of Wind should work with Safe Spell.
  • Draw Upon Holy Might should work with Mass Spell.
  • Joril's Dagger now actually counts as a dagger.
  • Barud Barzam's response to you killing all the monks now has the correct string.
  • The Animal Empathy skill now has the correct description.

IWD2EE Version

30 Dec 05:40
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  • One of the new feats added by the previous update no longer crashes the game.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.6

30 Dec 04:22
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  • Scrolls are highlighted in green when a wizard is selected who doesn't know the spell (Thanks @Bubb13 !)
  • Fixed an installation error in the compatibility patch (Thanks @CamDawg !)
  • There is now an actual quickloot button (no more right-clicking the inventory button).
  • Scrolling spell descriptions with the mouse wheel should work correctly on the wizard spell learning and bard/sorcerer spell replacement screens.
  • Two new feats: Fast Healing, and another feat that I won't spoil (play the new update and see for yourself).
  • The Dodge feat can now be taken a second time, representing the Epic Dodge feat from PnP.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to kill Oria while she still had the staff.
  • Fixed a bug where a duplicate of Zack could spawn even after he joined the party.
  • Fixed a bug where shadows' Strength drain could potentially be uncurable, even by Restoration.
  • Fixed a bug where if a character with 3 or fewer base attacks per round was dual wielding and had at least 5 total attacks per round (after taking into account effects like Haste), they would be listed as having more attacks per round than they actually did.
  • Fixed a bug I thought I already fixed before (hook horrors should not be immobile after falling from the ceiling).
  • Eagle's Spendor now gives +4 Charisma like it should.
  • All spells that grant haste will dispel slow effects, and the spell Slow will dispel the spells Haste, Mass Haste and Improved Haste.
  • Fixed the description of Mass Haste (previously it said it doubled attacks per round).
  • Sound Burst, Shout and Great Shout now deal sonic damage (certain enemies like crystal golems are very vulnerable to sonic damage). Great Shout no longer bypasses magic resistance but also no longer hurts the caster.
  • The size restrictions for Knockdown now work like in Neverwinter Nights, where it depends on the target's size category relative to yours. Knockdown can only affect a target that is the same size as you or smaller, while Improved Knockdown can affect a target one size category larger than you (so it could knock down an ogre but not a verbeeg, unless you were shapeshifted into a larger creature or had an enlarge effect on you). The way it's defined is that Improved Knockdown can knock down an enemy whose circle is up to twice as large as your circle.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.5

17 Dec 19:53
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  • Some components of IWD2EE should now install faster (Thanks @CamDawg !)
  • IWD2EE's compatibility patch should work better with newer versions of IWD2-Ease (Thanks @CamDawg !)
  • Fixed a frequent source of crashes (Thanks @Bubb13 !)
  • Name tooltips of items, spells and abilities on the actionbar should no longer flicker while the game is unpaused (Thanks @Bubb13 !)
  • The partywide dispel at the start of the final battle if the difficulty is set to Hard or higher will work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the spell Freedom of Movement applied most of its effects to the caster instead of the target.
  • Fixed a bug where Mass Heal and Mass Harm couldn't be cast via spontaneous conversion.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ring of Most Twisted Strength would kill the character on a quick load.
  • Lowered the resistances of various constructs.
  • Bless, Bane, and Ilmater's Endurance have the correct descriptions.
  • Explosive Smite and Animus Blast shouldn't crash the game under Time Stop.
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where a character who had Power Attack, Rapid Shot or Expertise enabled while no longer having 13 in the corresponding ability score (because it was lowered somehow) would be unaffected by many spells, items and abilities.
  • The Guardian should now be immune to its own breath weapon.
  • Death Fog now works closer to vanilla, halving movement speed instead of reducing acid resistance, though it deals 3d6 damage per round. Malavon's Corrosive Fog also halves movement now.
  • Class Revisions does not need to be installed for the innate abilities added by other components (e.g. Release Spell Sequencer, Xhaan's Teleport Without Error) to work.
  • Fixed various bugs with Spell Sequencer and Eclectic Sequencer. Sequencers cannot store innate abilities, will release all spells regardless of the target type or order stored, and will properly remove all stored spells when the sequencer spell is re-cast. Eclectic Sequencer cannot store generalist spells.

IWD2EE Version 3.2.4

29 Nov 15:08
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  • Wizards now learn two new spells each time they level up, like in PnP.
  • As in PnP, sorcerers and bards can, on certain level ups, replace one of their lower level spells with another spell of the same level.
  • Keyboard scroll keys have been softcoded (Thanks @Bubb13 !)
  • The trigger that starts a cutscene with Saablic Tan in the Fields of Slaughter will now be disabled if you somehow already talked to Saablic Tan (previously it would lock the player in an unending cutscene because Saablic Tan was no longer available to talk to).
  • The extra sneak attack damage from slings, light crossbows, and shortbows will work correctly.
  • Feint now takes into account spells and abilities that increase the Bluff skill.
  • Fixed a bug where Maximized Attacks required you to have exactly 3 pips (rather than any number greater than or equal to 3) in two weapons.
  • Fixed a bug where Spirit of Flame, Aegis of Rime, Scion of Storms, and Aqua Mortis actually had slightly different requirements than Master of Magic Force.
  • Fixed a bug where certain "on death" effects, like Ghoulish Feast, Contingent Resurrection, and Soul Bind were not triggered by instant death spells.
  • Fixed a bug where the icon of the spell Make Whole could potentially start glowing.
  • Skip Time should now correctly reduce the duration of wall spells as well as Reverse Gravity, Tornado and Forcecage.
  • Power Word: Kill now offers a Fortitude save instead of a Will save... except if the target has 100 hit points or less remaining, in which case there is no save. It no longer deals damage on a successful save.