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πŸ”ŠπŸ’» A cross-platform CLI Tool for requesting the Spotify Web API, with a focus on automation.


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Sp0 Build AUR GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)

A simple CLI tool for interacting with the Spotify Web API with a strong focus on automation, written in .NET/C#. Under the hood, it's just a wrapper for supplying args to SpotifyAPI-NET.

CLI Example


  • βœ… Cross Platform for linux, mac and windows (Binary releases only support x64 architecture!)
  • βœ… Easy OAuth2 login via embedded Webserver
  • βœ… Commands for retriving and managing the player, tracks, playlists and more
  • βœ… Different output formats (json, id, uri) for piping into other tools (jq)
  • βœ… Included Retry Handling and Pagination support

Getting Started

To get started, install sp0 by following one of the steps below:

  • Arch Users can get it via the AUR Package sp0-bin
    yay -S sp0-bin
  • Prebuild binaries can be grabbed from the latest Github Release
    # Assume sp0-linux-x64 is in the cwd
    chmod +x sp0-linux-x64
    sudo mv sp0-linux-x64 /usr/bin/sp0
  • TODO: Windows WinGet Version

After installation, the minimal setup requires spotify app credentials. You can create a new application here. The required parameters are Client ID and Client Secret.

sp0 config --client-id YOUR_CLIENT_ID --client-secret YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
sp0 tracks 3Ve0ag71EeiQalsl7Ha4Dw | jq ".name"
# "Ausgehen"

This configuration does not allow to manage and access user related endpoints, like the player and modifying user playlists. For this to work, you'll need to add http://localhost:5000/callback to the redirect URLs of your spotify application.


Afterwards, login via sp0 login and follow the instructions.


Transfer Playback using fzf

device="$(sp0 player devices | jq -r "map(.name + \":\" + .id) | join(\"\n\")" | fzf | cut -d':' -f2)"
if [ "$device" ]; then
  sp0 player transfer "$device" --play

Export a Playlist


playlist="$(sp0 playlists of-user | jq -sr "map(.name + \":\" + .id) | join(\"\n\")" | fzf)"
playlistId="$(echo "$playlist" | rev | cut -d':' -f 1 | rev)"
playlistName="$(echo "$playlist" | rev | cut -d':' -f 2- | rev)"
file="$(printf '%q' "$playlistName")"
if [ "$playlistId" ]; then
  sp0 playlists get-items "$playlistId" --output uri > "$backupFile"
  echo "Playlist track/epsiode URIs can be found in $backupFile"

Import a Playlist

playlistName="${2:-Imported Playlist}"

if [[ -f "$backupFile" ]]; then
  uris="$(cat "$backupFile" | xargs echo -n | tr ' ' ',')"
  paylistId="$(sp0 playlists create "$playlistName" --private --output id)"
  sp0 playlists add-items "$playlistId" "$uris"

File Size & Exectution Notes

As you may have noted, the binary size of ~26MB is higher than usual form similar CLI Tools. This is because the binary includes the full .NET environment in a compressed form, accomplished by dotnet-warp.

On first start, it will extract application DLLs and the .NET environment to a specific folder, based on your operating system:

  • Linux: $HOME/.local/share/warp/packages
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/warp/packges
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\warp\packages

While this may sound bad to you, it has multiple advantages

  • No runtime dependencies
  • No breaking through new .NET versions
  • Single file instead of 80 DLLs

If you're not comfortable with this process but still would like to use this project, feel free to build it on your own and use the resulting DLLs in /bin/Release/netcorerapp3.1/linux-x64 after running dotnet publish -c Release.


πŸ”ŠπŸ’» A cross-platform CLI Tool for requesting the Spotify Web API, with a focus on automation.





