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Getting Started

github-actions[bot] edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 10 revisions

Preparing the game:

  1. Install Unofficial Patch (preferably without Plus Patch)
  • No Plus Patch - Vanilla experience.
  • With Plus Patch - Additional restored content.

Install RTX Remix

Download RTX Remix. The installation process involves installing Nvidia's omniverse. Once it is installed the RTX Remix extension can be installed.

Enabling RTX Remix Runtime:

  1. Install Remix Runtime in main folder with the game's executable. Unlike other Source engine games, this will be outside of the Bin folder.
    • Copy from: C:\Users\"Your User"\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\rtx-remix-2024.1.1\deps\r emix_runtime\runtime or rtx-remix releases (0.4.1 seems to cause some issues with captures so go for 0.4.0 for now)
  2. Set launch args to -game Unofficial_Patch -dxlevel 70 +mat_dxlevel 70 +r_frustumcullworld 0 +c_frustumcull 0 -window (More about args here)
  3. Drop rtx.conf in the main directory to import the settings.


Setting up the enviornment


  • Windows 10/11
  • Git


  • Clone the repo with Git desktop or from here
  • As mentioned above install RTX Remix through omniverse - an Nvidia account is required.
Add symlinks

Replace PATH TO GAME with the path to your game and replace PATH TO REPO with the path where you copied your repo. Keep the double quotes.

RECOMMENDED if you intend to work on the repo

  • Rename or Delete your rtx-remix folder inside of your game folder (to something like rtx-remix-backup)
  • Open CMD as Admin
  • run mklink /J "PATH TO GAME\rtx-remix" "PATH TO REPO\rtx-remix"

Note: Your game's rtx-remix folder will need to be emtpy.

This will link your game's rtx-remix folder to the rtx-remix folder on the repo which will allow you to take captures directly to the repo. Update and make changes to the mod, while facilitating colaboration.

Aditionally link your rtx.conf file so changes go through to the repo and your game loads the latest changes.

  • run mklink /J "PATH TO GAME\rtx.conf" "PATH TO REPO\rtx.conf"
Adding the mod to RTX Remix
  • Go to Setup Project
  • Select Open
  • Make your way to the repo and select VTMB-RTX-Remix/rtx-remix/mods/mod/vtmb_rtx_remix.usda
  • Add the captures folder VTMB-RTX-Remix/rtx-remix

It should complain about ot finding one of the captures. So you will need to reselect your captures folder and this time it'll be VTMB-RTX-Remix/rtx-remix/captures/

DOs and DON'Ts:

When contributing:

  • Create a new branch, name it appropriately by describing what you are adding and separated by dashes such as captures-for-last-round.
  • When you have made and commited your changes to your new branch create a Pull Request.


  • Commit AI upscaled textures - We are hand authoring all materials and meshes.

Naming convensions:

We are naming every caputure with the map name and prefixed with some detail, separated by underscores such as sm_hub_1. A list to all maps can be found here.

When in doubt teleport to a map with map *map_name* from the ingame console. That way you can ensure you are on the correct map and your captures are named accordingly.