Alfonso Brainrot Simulator



firefox just started doing this too so remember kids if you want to stream things like netflix or hulu over discord without the video being blacked out you just have to disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings!

for the people saying this might be too difficult: idk about chrome but in firefox it just goes

> open settings

> search “hardware acceleration” and there should only be one result

> uncheck use recommended performance settings

> uncheck use hardware acceleration


Since I’m looking at the comments and seeing a lot of people asking what hardware acceleration is and getting wildly incorrect answers, here you go. This is what hardware acceleration is. It’s not DRM, and it’s not placing a limit on memory usage (unless you have weird definitions for both “memory” and “placing a limit”).

This is what hardware acceleration is:


“Do you just have a graphic for this on hand at all times?”

Yes. For this precise reason.

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  8. dionysia01 said: Oh damn I so often forget that most people now days don’t know more about computers than what our parents were able to actually put in their resume… and that’s basic usage of the computer and office… which is why any call to a service starts with ‘have you tried to reboot’…
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