Gee-Man's tumblr — Alright, one last Solstice Rain #mecha piece for...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
Alright, one last Solstice Rain #mecha piece for the year. A Union patrol squad finds itself ambushed by a Vestan vanguard. Similar skirmishes are occurring throughout Nov Elysia as the Vestan fire their opening salvo upon the city.
This was an...

Alright, one last Solstice Rain #mecha piece for the year. A Union patrol squad finds itself ambushed by a Vestan vanguard. Similar skirmishes are occurring throughout Nov Elysia as the Vestan fire their opening salvo upon the city.

This was an immensely fun and challenging piece to figure out and I’m quite proud of how it ended up. It took quite a bit of brainstorming to capture such a kinetic moment in a single point of time. I drew upon all of my experiences and influences to navigate this composition. 90s mecha OVAs and Armored Core CG intros were played on loop many times.

mecha art ttrpg ttrpg art lancer lancer rpg art digital art anime

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