Nous venons juste de sortir la Settlers Mystery Box qui suit le même modèle que les Boîtes Mystère de Kalandra et Sentinel, sans aucune microtransaction en double ! Chacune des microtransactions de cette Boîte Mystère possède un comportement visuel qui interagit avec votre gameplay.

Il y a 22 microtransactions que vous pouvez découvrir dans la Settlers Mystery Box. Chacune de ces microtransactions possède un nombre variable de variations thématiques et vous ne recevrez jamais un double d'une variation que vous auriez déjà ouverte. Par exemple, si vous ouvrez une variante d'une microtransaction, vous pourriez recevoir plus tard une autre variante de cette microtransaction mais en aucun cas un double exact !

Étant donné que les doublons n'existent plus, chaque Boîte mystère que vous ouvrez augmente implicitement vos chances de recevoir les microtransactions que vous n'avez pas encore obtenues.

Settlers Mystery Box

Receive a random prize with a Settlers of Kalguur theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped.

50 Points
Settlers Mystery Box Bundle

Contains five Settlers Mystery Boxes, each containing a random prize with a Settlers of Kalguur Theme.

250 Points

Qu'y a-t-il dans la Settlers Mystery Box ?

Celestial Warlord Helmet Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of headgear with the Celestial Warlord Helmet.

2 Variantes: Celestial Warlord Helmet (2.7273%), Celestial Emperor Helmet (1.8182%)

Celestial Warlord Helmet

Celestial Emperor Helmet

Celestial Warlord Body Armour Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of armour with the Celestial Warlord Body Armour.

2 Variantes: Celestial Warlord Body Armour (2.7273%), Celestial Emperor Body Armour (1.8182%)

Celestial Warlord Body Armour

Celestial Emperor Body Armour

Celestial Warlord Gloves Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of gloves with the Celestial Warlord Gloves.

2 Variantes: Celestial Warlord Gloves (2.7273%), Celestial Emperor Gloves (1.8182%)

Celestial Warlord Gloves

Celestial Emperor Gloves

Celestial Warlord Boots Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of boots with the Celestial Warlord Boots.

2 Variantes: Celestial Warlord Boots (2.7273%), Celestial Emperor Boots (1.8182%)

Celestial Warlord Boots

Celestial Emperor Boots

Celestial Warlord Back Attachment Variations

Adds the Celestial Warlord Back Attachment to your body armour. It acknowledges you as a true ruler, detaching from your back and becoming a magic carpet for you to ride on.

2 Variantes: Celestial Warlord Back Attachment (2.7273%), Celestial Emperor Back Attachment (1.8182%)

Celestial Warlord Back Attachment

Celestial Emperor Back Attachment

Clay Mage Helmet Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of headgear with the Clay Mage Helmet.

2 Variantes: Violet Clay Mage Helmet (2.7273%), Scarlet Clay Mage Helmet (1.8182%)

Violet Clay Mage Helmet

Scarlet Clay Mage Helmet

Clay Mage Body Armour Variations

Replaces the appearance of a piece of armour with the Clay Mage Body Armour.

2 Variantes: Violet Clay Mage Body Armour (2.7273%), Scarlet Clay Mage Body Armour (1.8182%)

Violet Clay Mage Body Armour

Scarlet Clay Mage Body Armour

Clay Mage Gloves Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of gloves with the Clay Mage Gloves.

2 Variantes: Violet Clay Mage Gloves (2.7273%), Scarlet Clay Mage Gloves (1.8182%)

Violet Clay Mage Gloves

Scarlet Clay Mage Gloves

Clay Mage Boots Variations

Replaces the appearance of a pair of boots with the Clay Mage Boots.

2 Variantes: Violet Clay Mage Boots (2.7273%), Scarlet Clay Mage Boots (1.8182%)

Violet Clay Mage Boots

Scarlet Clay Mage Boots

Lute Back Attachment Variations

Adds the Lute Back Attachment to your body armour. Use your flasks to play the lute!

3 Variantes: Lute Back Attachment (1.8182%), Black Lute Back Attachment (1.590909%), Metal Lute Back Attachment (1.1364%)

Lute Back Attachment

Black Lute Back Attachment

Metal Lute Back Attachment

Ghoul Character Effect Variations

Adds the Ghoul Character Effect to your belt.

4 Variantes: Ghoul Character Effect (1.590909%), Demonic Ghoul Character Effect (1.3636%), Ghostflame Ghoul Character Effect (0.9090909%), Stygian Ghoul Character Effect (0.6818%)

Ghoul Character Effect

Demonic Ghoul Character Effect

Ghostflame Ghoul Character Effect

Stygian Ghoul Character Effect

Baby Boss Pet Variations

These baby versions of bosses will accompany you on your travels.

5 Variantes: Baby Brutus Pet (2.2727%), Baby Piety Pet (0.9090909%), Baby Dominus Pet (0.6818%), Baby Vaal Oversoul Pet (0.4545%), Baby Kitava Pet (0.2273%)

Baby Brutus Pet

Baby Piety Pet

Baby Dominus Pet

Baby Vaal Oversoul Pet

Baby Kitava Pet

Enigma Map Device Variations

Adds an Enigma Map Device decoration to your personal Hideout. Now you can spend time solving the cube between Maps!

3 Variantes: Celestial Enigma Map Device (2.2727%), Water Enigma Map Device (1.3636%), Magma Enigma Map Device (0.9090909%)

Celestial Enigma Map Device

Water Enigma Map Device

Magma Enigma Map Device

Jellyfish Portal Effect Variations

Replaces the standard effect on portals you create with the Jellyfish Portal Effect.

3 Variantes: Opal Jellyfish Portal Effect (2.2727%), Amber Jellyfish Portal Effect (1.3636%), Turquoise Jellyfish Portal Effect (0.9090909%)

Opal Jellyfish Portal Effect

Amber Jellyfish Portal Effect

Turquoise Jellyfish Portal Effect

Atzoatl Back Attachment Variations

Adds the Atzoatl Back Attachment to your body armour. The runes radiate the more souls you gain for your Vaal Skills, and the dragon lets out a burst of flames when you use a Vaal Skill.

3 Variantes: Atzoatl Back Attachment (2.7273%), Ruby Atzoatl Back Attachment (1.3636%), Gold Atzoatl Back Attachment (0.4545%)

Atzoatl Back Attachment

Ruby Atzoatl Back Attachment

Gold Atzoatl Back Attachment

Tendrils Footprints Variations

Imbues a pair of boots with the Tendrils Footprints Effect.

3 Variantes: Blood Tendrils Footprints Effect (2.2727%), Webbed Tendrils Footprints Effect (1.3636%), Ink Tendrils Footprints Effect (0.9090909%)

Blood Tendrils Footprints Effect

Webbed Tendrils Footprints Effect

Ink Tendrils Footprints Effect

Re'link'quary Back Attachment Variations

Adds the Re'link'quary Back Attachment to your body armour. Link skills attach to the top of the ancient skull and power it up.

2 Variantes: Silver Re'link'quary Back Attachment (2.7273%), Gold Re'link'quary Back Attachment (1.8182%)

Silver Re'link'quary Back Attachment

Gold Re'link'quary Back Attachment

Ring Effect Variations

The ring effect variations let you assume a disguise, channel the essence of Sirus' Die! beam, or choose fire!

3 Variantes: Flamethrower Ring Effect (2.9545%), Awakener's Ring Effect (0.9090909%), Concealment Ring Effect (0.6818%)

Flamethrower Ring Effect

Awakener's Ring Effect

Concealment Ring Effect

Fluttering Scarab Shield Variations

Replaces the appearance of a shield with the Fluttering Scarab Shield. A swarm of scarabs circle around you whenever you block.

3 Variantes: Iron Fluttering Scarab Shield (2.2727%), Royal Fluttering Scarab Shield (1.590909%), Gold Fluttering Scarab Shield (0.6818%)

Iron Fluttering Scarab Shield

Royal Fluttering Scarab Shield

Gold Fluttering Scarab Shield

Primal Mark Skill Effect Variations

Replaces the standard effect on the relevant Mark gem with a primal version.

5 Variantes: Primal Warlord's Mark Effect (0.9090909%), Primal Sniper's Mark Effect (0.9090909%), Primal Poacher's Mark Effect (0.9090909%), Primal Alchemist's Mark Effect (0.9090909%), Primal Assassin's Mark Effect (0.9090909%)

Primal Warlord's Mark Effect

Primal Sniper's Mark Effect

Primal Poacher's Mark Effect

Primal Alchemist's Mark Effect

Primal Assassin's Mark Effect

Anicent Rune Purity Skill Effect Variations

Replaces the standard effect on the relevant Purity gem with an ancient rune version.

4 Variantes: Ancient Rune Purity of Lightning (1.1364%), Ancient Rune Purity of Ice (1.1364%), Ancient Rune Purity of Fire (1.1364%), Ancient Rune Purity of Elements (1.1364%)

Ancient Rune Purity of Lightning

Ancient Rune Purity of Ice

Ancient Rune Purity of Fire

Ancient Rune Purity of Elements

Finisher Effect Variations

Send Rare Enemies to their demise with a sequence of lacerations, add insult to injury by crushing their hearts as they die, or invoke Kahuturoa to drop an elbow on Unique Enemies!

5 Variantes: Lethal Lacerations Rare Finisher Effect (2.04545%), Blood Tornado Rare Finisher Effect (1.1364%), Heartcrusher Rare Finisher Effect (0.6818%), Pummeller Kaom Unique Finisher Effect (0.4545%), Plummeting Kahuturoa Unique Finisher Effect (0.2273%)

Lethal Lacerations Rare Finisher Effect

Blood Tornado Rare Finisher Effect

Heartcrusher Rare Finisher Effect

Pummeller Kaom Unique Finisher Effect

Plummeting Kahuturoa Unique Finisher Effect


Vous avez 1 chance sur 22 d'obtenir chaque type de microtransaction. Les variantes, quant à elles, ont des probabilités spécifiques d'être reçues tel qu'indiqué à côté de leur nom.

Remarque : ces probabilités ne s'appliquent qu'à la première Boîte mystère que vous ouvrez. Vous aurez en effet de plus en plus de chances d'obtenir les autres microtransactions à chaque ouverture de Boîte, étant donné qu'il n'est pas possible de recevoir un doublon.

Comment ouvrir vos Boîtes mystères

Après avoir acheté votre Settlers Mystery Box, vous pourrez la trouver dans la section Consommables de votre Réserve de microtransactions dans le jeu, attendant patiemment d'être ouverte.

Sachez que le contenu des Boîtes mystère est aléatoire à chaque ouverture ; certains objets sont plus rares que d'autres (tel qu'indiqué plus haut). La valeur du contenu d'une boîte est au moins équivalente au prix auquel vous l'avez achetée (50 points), et vous avez statistiquement parlant plus de chances de recevoir quelque chose de valeur supérieure.

Settlers Mystery Box

Receive a random prize with a Settlers of Kalguur theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped.

50 Points
Settlers Mystery Box Bundle

Contains five Settlers Mystery Boxes, each containing a random prize with a Settlers of Kalguur Theme.

250 Points

Après avoir reçu une récompense provenant d'une boîte mystère, il est possible d'en acheter des copies supplémentaires dans la boutique pour le même prix que la boîte mystère. Ces microtransactions seront disponibles dans la boutique quatre semaines après la fin de la boîte mystère.

Merci pour votre soutien

Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont acheté une Boîte mystère à un moment ou à un autre. Elles sont devenues un aspect important de notre capacité à créer du contenu, à l'instar de Path of Exile : Settlers of Kalguur ! Soyez remerciés du fond du cœur pour votre soutien indéfectible.