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Agenda for February 2014

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Board meetings Agenda for February 2014 Questions?

Board of Trustees 2014 Q3 Meeting

Friday, January 31st, 2014

  • Opening Remarks
  • Six-month Review of the 2013-2014 Annual Plan
  • Discussion on the Start of the 2014-2015 Annual Plan
  • Grantmaking Update and Discussion

February 1, 2014

  • Housekeeping Items
    • Review and Approval of the Automattic Agreement for Blog Hosting Services
    • Resolution on the Community Logo Trademark
    • Resolution Amending the Bylaws for Trustees Selected by Chapters and Thematic Organizations
    • Resolution Renewing the Advisory Board
    • Review of Updates to the Board Handbook
  • Review and Approval of the New Trademark Policy
  • Discussion on the Start of the Strategy Process
  • Movement Roles Discussion
  • Open and Action Items
  • Discussion on Disrupting the Disruptors
  • Executive Session
