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TS4 Totally Random Comments and Questions

simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
edited February 14 in Nominated Threads
I though it might be a good idea to have a thread for those occasions when we want to comment on something game related or ask a question without having to start a new thread. Or those comments and questions that don't really fit into an existing thread. Also for new members who are unable to start a discussion.

Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    I'll start. :p Just downloaded the update and when I loaded the game I got the message that some items were missing. I'd forgotten to enable my custom content. I have cc shelving that I use to store all my Outdoor Retreat potions, Realm of Magic potions, all of my Eco Lifestyle collectibles and fabrication materials. Beeswax from my bee boxes. All gone. :/
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    SailorCetiSailorCeti Posts: 807 Member
    I’ll join. Why the heck can’t they label face types in game in a little tooltip. Say what you want but I often can’t tell which faces are intended for which races. -.-
    This game needs more Sailor Moon!

    Hold SHIFT while using the FRIEZE tool to apply it to a single wall, and not an entire room!

    ** SailorCeti's Builds **

    If you download one of my builds, by all means, leave me a message and tell me what you did and did not like about it.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    What is the longest death you have had in the game? Mine was 4 Sims days by drowning.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Why can't I use the vampire teeth for mermaids? There is one set of pointy mermaid teeth but I prefer the vampire ones.

    Work around : change your sim into a vampire, select the vampire teeth for the normal and dark form, make your sim human again, change them into a mermaid, unlink the two forms and change the teeth in the normal form to human teeth. Quite a hassle but luckily we have cheats and mods to change our sims occult states.
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    NationalPokedexNationalPokedex Posts: 829 Member
    edited May 2021
    I went into my game the other night because I’ve been hit with random motivation (actually that’s a lie. Not random; I’ve been watching lots of Planet Zoo tours lately) to build some sort of wildlife research center in Oasis Springs (which has quickly spiraled into me about to redo all of Oasis Springs), and my game seems slightly laggy which is not something I’m used to in my game tbh because I don’t have huge saves or any cc/mods.

    Also, I wish I could turn off random generating of the roller rinks because I don’t like that there is a roller rink in the parking lot behind the museum in Oasis Springs’s commercial area.

    But anyways, I’m excited to make Oasis Springs more usable once I redesign it all.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    I have an indoor skating rink that I placed in Brindleton Bay but I rarely see the game generated ones. Maybe my sims need to get out more.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,333 Member
    edited May 2021
    Vampires; why do they suddenly have to take flight into bat form, only to reappear in the same spot? Why can't they take bat form only when they are moving to a different location?

    i mean real reason is probably cause game does not recognize what is long distance and what is not

    but on same vein:

    -why my hibernating vampires are woken everytime i leave the lot can't they continue their 100 years nap in peace?

    - and why also they have to be woken up from their hibernation cause theres creepy dolls in their creepy haunted mansion look its deep deep slumber why do they have to know its not like they gonna die cause scared emotion can't kill u

    - why if i have disabled vampires from using bat form or speed run or move as mist while playing them

    do they autonomously use these powers when im not playing them?

    like uh its bit problematic when u wanna catch up with buddy caleb but he run by too quickly to chat
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    JustinJustin Posts: 731 Member
    edited May 2021
    Totally random question: can uni sims vacation & not worry about going to class while vacationing ?
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    KironideKironide Posts: 804 Member
    Justin wrote: »
    Totally random question: can uni sims vacation & not worry about going to class while vacationing ?

    No, I tried to take my sims away on a weekend break while at Uni and the game wouldn't allow it.
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    JustinJustin Posts: 731 Member
    Kironide wrote: »
    Justin wrote: »
    Totally random question: can uni sims vacation & not worry about going to class while vacationing ?

    No, I tried to take my sims away on a weekend break while at Uni and the game wouldn't allow it.

    Awe that sucks. I wanted to do like a school trip for my uni dorm sims /:
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    One of the tasks for the knitting aspiration is to gift three knitted items. I had my sim knit three of the sweater dresses. I then selected the 'gift' option in the friendly interactions. Inventory popped up, I selected one of the sweater dresses and gifted it to another sim. It didn't count towards the aspiration task. Puzzled I tried it again. Still no luck. Finally I figured I needed to select the item in inventory first and there was the gift option. 🤪
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    SanniSilliSanniSilli Posts: 170 Member
    Simmingal wrote: »

    - why if i have disabled vampires from using bat form or speed run or move as mist while playing them

    do they autonomously use these powers when im not playing them?

    like uh its bit problematic when u wanna catch up with buddy caleb but he run by too quickly to chat

    Poor Caleb, too fast for human friends 😢😂

    Buut, so to say I think the game enables those powers automatically in the same second the player leaves the household... I don't know why but it really irritates me.

    I want my vampires fly in a bat form only when I like them to, not everywhere everyday. One reason is that already mentioned * vampire choosing to fly even though it only needes to take one step. *

    While ago I took my sim to a cafe and the barista happened to be NPC vampire with that bat fly thingy... The service wasn't very fast since every time they needed to move it was the bat form...
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    Akl500PAkl500P Posts: 2,986 Member
    I have an indoor skating rink that I placed in Brindleton Bay but I rarely see the game generated ones. Maybe my sims need to get out more.

    I don’t either unless I pop over to willow creek. I’ve wondered why I haven’t seen any out in random spots lately. Is there a list somewhere of where they are supposed to appear lol?

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    WolfiumWolfium Posts: 2,672 Member
    I like sims 4 because it's relaxing and challenging game.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    Akl500P wrote: »
    I have an indoor skating rink that I placed in Brindleton Bay but I rarely see the game generated ones. Maybe my sims need to get out more.

    I don’t either unless I pop over to willow creek. I’ve wondered why I haven’t seen any out in random spots lately. Is there a list somewhere of where they are supposed to appear lol?

    Check here.
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    NationalPokedexNationalPokedex Posts: 829 Member
    I would rather build my own rinks anyways which is part of my plan, so it’s even more bothersome that the game just spawns them and I don’t know how to make it not do that.
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    JustinJustin Posts: 731 Member
    Why can my mermaid sleep but not eat in the water? Or use the restroom for that matter? Lol that would be hilarious honestly
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    kdlax10kdlax10 Posts: 6 New Member
    I actually had a question about the Mermaids and Mermen in the Island Living Pack, is there like anyway to make them just stay a mermaid/merman and have them not have a human form. I've tried googling this to see if there was anything on it. If not that would be a really cool addition to the game. Maybe even include a whole underwater world or something that sims can explore? It could even be like a hidden world that's an entire map with townies and other cool features! Maybe even a whole story mode kind of like in StrangerVille. It would open the opportunity to have sims live completely underwater and have grottos and stuff like that.
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    kdlax10kdlax10 Posts: 6 New Member
    > @Justin said:
    > Totally random question: can uni sims vacation & not worry about going to class while vacationing ?

    They can't. I've tried to do this while they were in Uni but I always got the pop up that Uni sims can't go on vacation and that they have to not be attending college.
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    kdlax10kdlax10 Posts: 6 New Member
    > @Sharonia said:
    > Why don’t aliens have a link option for their different forms like the other occult’s have? I like to dress my aliens in the same clothes as their human forms and it’s such a pain to have to manually copy each outfit.

    I could've sworn they had the link thing.
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    WolfiumWolfium Posts: 2,672 Member
    This evening I'm going to watch Maxis Inside and Eurovision, chips prepared.
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