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Anyone planing buy and play Renee and the other life sims

I might be ambitious ,but I am planing to play own all these games.I kind of want to compare,make reviews,and play all of them.

I just need make sure I buy lots of extra external harddrives.


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    MiataPlayMiataPlay Posts: 6,728 Member
    I am! Like you said I want them all!!! :) I think I'm gonna buy another gaming computer...still keeping the one I have for sims 3 exclusively :p
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,396 Member
    MiataPlay wrote: »
    I am! Like you said I want them all!!! :) I think I'm gonna buy another gaming computer...still keeping the one I have for sims 3 exclusively :p

    I probably by another gaming computer
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    MiataPlayMiataPlay Posts: 6,728 Member
    edited May 15
    I want that 50 gb! :o:p edit or whatever it is...I need All the memory in the World!! LOL :p
    CPU too..catch up!
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    MoonCrossWarrior22MoonCrossWarrior22 Posts: 725 Member
    edited May 16
    I am looking forward to trying em all. :)
    If you are interested in challenges; check out the Reincarnation challenge right at this link! here! | If you want spectator mode; go to this link. (for sims 3) here
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    I will try them all but will only invest in DLC for one.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,211 Member
    I will definitely try anything that's free and will run on my current computer :)

    Don't buy broken stuff
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,396 Member
    I will try them all but will only invest in DLC for one.

    I probably would invest dlc for all of them.Still my favorite would be top priority.
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    FreddyFox1234FreddyFox1234 Posts: 597 Member
    I’ll almost certainly try Project Renee as it’ll be free and hopefully I’ll be able to play it on my iPad at times when I can’t/don’t want to be using my desktop. But I don’t have time to play the other games (even if my computer could handle it, which it almost certainly can’t). As well as Sims 4, I’ve still got so much I want to do in Sims 3, and I still occasionally dip into Sims 2. That’s more than enough for the time being.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,559 Member
    I was going to go for the LBY early access, but now I think I will wait to see what others have to say about it.
    I am more interested in Inzoi and Paralives, but I am trying to hold back any enthusiasm until they are closer to a release date.
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    SkipInklingSkipInkling Posts: 85 Member
    Playing Rene depends greatly on what EA does with it. If they expect me to be online all the time - no. If it's multiplayer - no. If it's filled with microtransactions - no. I was hopeful about Life by You, but them Paradox got all weird. Inzoi doesn't look like my cup of tea.
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    Sara1010PSara1010P Posts: 905 Member
    I will try Renee since it is free to download, if it is good I may purchase DLC for it. I am suprisingly most interested in paralives, since the updated gameplay they have shown. I really liked the look and feel of it. I will be waiting on gameplay videos from other gamers before trying any of the others.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    We are facing retirement. Sims 4 is just now getting to be the game I hoped it would. Why would I want to start all over again? Thank you, but I think I'll pass.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    MiataPlayMiataPlay Posts: 6,728 Member
    edited May 19
    I'm ready for the new gaming frontier! Bing it..and all your advertisements. I'm aways in control of what I buy, and what I spend money on. This new gaming era is starting to look beautiful :)

    Edit: Sims 5 better be right in it! :)
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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 487 Member
    I've lost all faith in the Sims series to be honest, and all the competitors have one thing in common: They are boring.

    It's the problem with sims 4 too, too much boring every day real life stuff that I don't care for. I don't play families and always play with ageing off.

    I'd rather see something with a stronger identity or theme from a developer I trust. EA/MAXIS sadly keep giving us more reasons not to trust them, the in game shopping cart being the latest. No telling how bad it will get in Sims 5.

    I want to see more imaginative competitors.

    Like maybe a different setting, a 16+ age rating or a much improved system for personalities which should not be that hard considering how much sims 4 is a downgrade to sims 3 in that regard.

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    Katofhyrule12Katofhyrule12 Posts: 821 Member
    edited May 22
    My final choices are always constrained by the operating systems and hardware the games can be played on. I tried to get Sims 3 working on Linux yesterday. I failed no more than I had failed to get it running on Windows 10 last week. The issues are beyond Linux.

    For right now, Sims 4 works on Playstation, and I will play that until someone gets greedy enough to break that.

    Whoever is the first to make a game that runs well on Steam on Debian-based (not exclusively LTS Ubuntu-based) Linux will be the one that gets my money. Second will be anyone that makes a game for console that uses a mouse and keyboard.

    I'll run a game OFFLINE on Windows 10 or older, but not online on Windows 11 or newer. At some point I might look into gaming on a MAC but so far I have seen no good reason to pursue that before other options.

    The future of operating systems and hardware looks bleak to me. Games are the top layer on a lot of mess that keeps getting messier. I like some of my sims more than I like most people, so it makes me sad to look forward to the possibility of having no access to simulated gaming at all.
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,957 Member
    I like how Inzoi and Vivaland look but I will wait a bit to see how they perform and when they are available to mod. Same with Rene.
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    EleriEleri Posts: 594 Member
    No interest in LBY or Inzoi. Inzoi's graphics are a turn off, and LBY's game play doesn't look rotation compatible.

    I'm interested to see how Paralives develops. I'm not sold on it yet, but I haven't crossed it off the list yet either.

    I would need to know way more than we currently do about Renee to be really interested in it. That being said, I'll probably give the base game a spin since it's free.
    -No, my almost-elderly mother, I don't think it's a good time for you to try for a baby.
    -Yes, person I barely know, you have my blessing to hang out with Johnny Zest.
    -No person with the mean, hot-headed and self-absorbed traits, I don't think you should get married.
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,957 Member
    edited May 22
    Eleri wrote: »
    No interest in LBY or Inzoi. Inzoi's graphics are a turn off, and LBY's game play doesn't look rotation compatible.

    I'm interested to see how Paralives develops. I'm not sold on it yet, but I haven't crossed it off the list yet either.

    I would need to know way more than we currently do about Renee to be really interested in it. That being said, I'll probably give the base game a spin since it's free.

    I an not interested in Life By You and Paralives in the slightest. Honestly, the graphics turn me off.
    And while a lot of hardcore simmer loyalist praise the cartoony graphics, most of the rest the world do not share that same sentiment. I for one embrace technolgy and feel like I am wasting my time if I can see all technology has to offer. While all games are moving in this direction, I feel embarrassed to anyone else who doest play the sims that I play something aiming as looking more simple than it can be. I have even received bold comments from others and my boyfriend about it.
    Why I like the cartoony graphics sometimes, and fine it therapeutic to my inner child, I also like I can when i want mod it to have a more realistic experience. The depth allows me to get lost in gameplay longer. I do both.
    It was said that Inzoi will have the option for realistic and less realistic graphics in the settings. I think to cater to those on a longer end or non-gaming computer. I really hope the design Project rene like this. Why not let the player decide who they like to experience the game?
    It's the same as setting game for hard to easy in the settings. Now that I know that is possible, I which they will do it.
    My critic for Inzoi is while it is a life simulation game similar to the Sims, it's not a building game. Part of the Sims draw back is you get to build everything, and Inzoi is like a run and shoot game you pass through the map. So while it looks great in someway, its superficial in others. I really love the build your own world and play in it aspect of the Sims 4.

    Vivaland is an art style of half realistic half simple cartoony style like the sims, which looks like a perfect combination. This is a build and play in your build game more like the Sims which could possibly be it's competitor. I'm curious to see how both games Rene and Vivaland are alike and differ.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,068 Member
    Am holding off on all of them. The potential competition all come across as everyday life. Period. The idea of a game to me is to include a bit of whimsy, as TS 1-3 do, TS2 especially. TS4 tries on occasion but for the most part is everyday life geared towards the having kids thing.

    LBY has the additional problem of its version of sims looking like soulless walking dead, that and even early release being constantly kicked down the road. Paralives looks like it has 2 art Styles, one for the parafolk and another for the world, a big 'clang' for me. Inzoi looks too much like am using real people, not 'sims'.
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,237 Member
    edited May 27
    Newer games doesn't always make it better. I recommend to wait at least until the newest version of a Sims game is about 2 to 6 years old before jumping in.
    My daughter & I made that mistake when Sims 4 was newly released back in 2014; we thought it would be better than Sims 3.
    Now, in 2024 just before the 10th Anniversary of Sims 4 they are finally getting a team to begin making Sims 4 better. Please my fellow simmers, don't just jump to the newest sims game version just because it has new graphics, be cautious.
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,382 Member
    If one's fan of the genre, I'd say all the new lifesims will provide the amount of fun a regular computer game is expected to provide. So why not try them all at some time!

    My worry is that not even Life by You, the new lifesim I look forward to the most, can take the spot that Sims 2 occupied in my heart and that now Sims 4 fills: the longterm appeal that persists over decades.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,068 Member
    SERVERFRA wrote: »
    Newer games doesn't always make it better. I recommend to wait at least until the newest version of a Sims game is about 2 to 6 years old before jumping in.
    My daughter & I made that mistake when Sims 4 was newly released back in 2014; we thought it would be better than Sims 3.
    Now, in 2024 just before the 10th Anniversary of Sims 4 they are finally getting a team to begin making Sims 4 better. Please my fellow simmers, don't just jump to the newest sims game version just because it has new graphics, be cautious.

    With you on this. Maybe not the 6 years part, but certainly take the time to explore options, read/watch reviews from reliable folks, read the feedback on relevant forums. Maybe even stick with 4 if they in fact fix the issues and make it truly better, not just more stuff added.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,068 Member
    If one's fan of the genre, I'd say all the new lifesims will provide the amount of fun a regular computer game is expected to provide. So why not try them all at some time!

    My worry is that not even Life by You, the new lifesim I look forward to the most, can take the spot that Sims 2 occupied in my heart and that now Sims 4 fills: the longterm appeal that persists over decades.

    Ah, yes, Sims 2. Still think that's the best of the bunch.
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    windweaverwindweaver Posts: 7,378 Member
    Hi, there are a lot of them coming out and some that are already here. I seem to learn about another every week. But the main ones I'm interested in are Life By You, Inzoi, and Sims 5. I like the idea of getting them all to compare. I had planned to get at least a couple, but I'm leaning to at least 3 of them. I will get EA's version, after all, I've been playing sims games for over 20 years, can't quit now, unless it's terrible and I really doubt that will happen...unless they have it where you have to play with other people. I'm strictly a single player simmer and will not even consider moving out of that concept.
    My Origin Name is: Cynconzola8
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    Lady_BalloraLady_Ballora Posts: 807 Member
    I'll definately try Life By You whenever it comes out,and I MIGHT try Paralives. As for Rene,I'll have to see that it's like before I try it.

    InZOI is a huge turn-off for me-I don't want to play a life sim game that has overly realistic graphics-think of all the memory and resources that game is going to gobble up. The others I have no interest in.

    Why do you hide inside these walls?
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