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June 27th - Behind The Sims Stream: HORSES!! COMMUNITY KIT WINNERS?! & PROJECT RENE

EA_CadeEA_Cade Posts: 7,559 EA Community Manager
edited July 2023 in Livestreams

Sul sul,

It's time for another episode of Behind The Sims! 🥳 Be sure to tune in on June 27 @ 9am PT as we share exciting news & updates across The Sims universe 💚

Pinning this as a dedicated thread for discussion, see you then!

YouTube Link

We will also be broadcasting on Twitch :)

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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited June 2023
    Regarding Sims 5 Rene, here are a few of my checklist items that I hope to learn at this and future Summits.
    1. Commitment to DEI concerns in base game (skin tone diversity, building non-binary and pronouns into the engine so it doesn't need to be redone later and we can move on into the future of the franchise without this holding us back)
    2. Rene is open vs closed world?
    3. Understanding of how core personality sliders plus traits could be combined to create unique Sims that feel different to play
    4. Commitment to Rotational Gameplay player play patterns...will be tricky in an open game but can be done...(e.g. freezing all progression and aging of your inactive played households until you reselect them; having NPC aging only occur during your "primary" 1st household rotation to keep aging in sync)
    5. Wants & Fears tied to an aspiration meter built into the base game...important for supporting play types based on wants
    6. What the "multiplayer" really means. Do we need a constant Wifi connection?
    Post edited by simmerorigin on
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    RoaringHeightsRoaringHeights Posts: 37 Member
    I hope they take The Sims 3 on Console into account when discussing the worlds, TS3 on PS3 & 360 had open neighborhoods instead of a fully open world because of the hardware at the time; maybe they can do the same for TS5?

    Oh, and I hope we get an estimated release date (or at least the target one) it would make the wait a lot more bearable.
    Simmer since 2012, The Sims 2, 3 & 4. Setup: i5 10400f, GTX 1650 SUPER, 16GB DDR4, 512GB SSD & Steam Deck
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    BabykittyjadeBabykittyjade Posts: 4,976 Member
    Can't wait!!🤭
    Zombies, oh please oh please give us zombies!! :'(
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    We'll also find out which kits were selected by the community.


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    EA_CadeEA_Cade Posts: 7,559 EA Community Manager
    We'll also find out which kits were selected by the community.


    If the comments here are any indication of the overall votes, Goth and Medieval should be the sure bet.

    I know @EA_Solaire was demanding encouraging votes for the Goth kit internally 😂
    Found a Bug? Let us know here. Having a technical issue with your game? Reach out to us here. 9alz5vu73pb0.png
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    FreezerBunnyCowplantFreezerBunnyCowplant Posts: 3,957 Member
    edited June 2023
    I hope they’ll reveal that Project Rene will have open worlds like Life By You and Sims 3.

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    PlayerSinger2010PlayerSinger2010 Posts: 3,267 Member
    I just want to hear if we're getting aliens like we deserve, since the two competitors don't seem interested in occult fans' $$$$.
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    ULIBABA66ULIBABA66 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I really want SimGurus to confirm if Rene will cause the end of The Sims 4's development (packs and updates) or not. I hope it won't. I hope Sims 4 will be here for as many years as possible, preferably 10+ years, as well as co-existing with Rene/Sims 5. Can @EA_Cade ask about this information to avoid from possible anxiety and fear of losing the game we know and love for yet another base game with no expansion packs pretty please? 🥺❤️

    Another thing I would love to know is if Pack Refreshes are done or not. Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Get Famous, Realm of Magic and Island Living desperately need pack refreshes.

    One more thing: are there any more stuff packs coming after the long hiatus? ;)

    I am praying for at least 10-12+ more Expansion packs, 10-12+ more Game Packs and 6-10 more Stuff packs <3
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    logionlogion Posts: 4,791 Member
    Looking forward to it, I will bring popcorn.

    I'm hoping we will get to know more about what project Rene will be like, if it will have an open world and what the sims will look like.
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    ULIBABA66ULIBABA66 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I will cry if Sims 4 gets axed in favor of Rene, praying this will not happen.
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    Atreya33Atreya33 Posts: 4,584 Member
    edited June 2023
    I just want to hear if we're getting aliens like we deserve, since the two competitors don't seem interested in occult fans' $$$$.

    I also hope for occults to still be part of the sims in future sims games. Please let us know if occults are still possible for project René.
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    Lixy_170Lixy_170 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm super excited to hear all the news and updates!!! I can't wait!!! :)

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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
    From the simmer who first informed us of the upcoming Horse Ranch EP.
    If accurate probably not too much info on Project Rene since it'll possibly also cover Sims 4, Sims Freeplay, and Sims Mobile.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    From the simmer who first informed us of the upcoming Horse Ranch EP.
    If accurate probably not too much info on Project Rene since it'll possibly also cover Sims 4, Sims Freeplay, and Sims Mobile.

    Dang, I wanted to see what they have been doing in project Rene. :/
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    ULIBABA66 wrote: »
    I really want SimGurus to confirm if Rene will cause the end of The Sims 4's development (packs and updates) or not. I hope it won't. I hope Sims 4 will be here for as many years as possible, preferably 10+ years, as well as co-existing with Rene/Sims 5. Can @EA_Cade ask about this information to avoid from possible anxiety and fear of losing the game we know and love for yet another base game with no expansion packs pretty please? 🥺❤️

    Another thing I would love to know is if Pack Refreshes are done or not. Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Get Famous, Realm of Magic and Island Living desperately need pack refreshes.

    One more thing: are there any more stuff packs coming after the long hiatus? ;)

    I am praying for at least 10-12+ more Expansion packs, 10-12+ more Game Packs and 6-10 more Stuff packs <3

    I'm not sure there is a precedent for this. With a new generation, it's been a hard reset of the franchise with the Maxis staff moving to the new game. It's advantageous to grow the install base of the new game and start the work of labor-intensive major DLC for the new game. We've never had real overlap of the games from Sims 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4.

    I'm curious if there is a sign that I haven't seen that makes you think it could be different?
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    From the simmer who first informed us of the upcoming Horse Ranch EP.
    If accurate probably not too much info on Project Rene since it'll possibly also cover Sims 4, Sims Freeplay, and Sims Mobile.

    Dang, I wanted to see what they have been doing in project Rene. :/

    So, is this like a mini-summit? Is this in addition to an annual BTS summit? I wonder what the cadence is
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited June 2023
    While I did not participate in the poll, I would have voted for Goth and Medieval options. They seem to be the best at addressing the aesthetic asset gap in TS4. Many simmers have dubbed TS4 as a "white middle-class millennial simulator" so any content that can be used for different time periods or cultural groups seems to be a higher priority.

    I don't play TS4 anymore, but if I did, I would be hoping for buy mode and CAS assets that represent a gritty, lower-class environment: hand-me-down clothing, tattered furniture, etc. There are pieces of this here and there in the DLC but not very much.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,333 Member
    edited June 2023
    Excited to hear that the kits chosen were Goth and Medieval :wink:
    interested to see if theres any other Sims 4 news

    not so excited about Rene news
    because I'm still suffering from Renephobia
    Its all too futuristic for me no changes should ever be made
    we should still be hitting 2 rocks together in a cave
    its really just the safest option believe me

    the dragon nesting in the cave won't mind us staying a little longer
    or a lot longer, like a decade or so

    if we switch caves who knows whats in there
    could be Greg, or worse, other humans
    ⭐️ AHQ Champion 🦇 Vlad Advocate 🐉 Team Dragons
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,556 Member
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    Build_Mode_QueenBuild_Mode_Queen Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2023
    In sims 5, allow players to have more control of a sims backstory when creating them in CAS. without having to do a Story mode Quiz. For ex: Allow me to select a sims career/level + skill levels in CAS.Also household starting funds should be editable in CAS.

    - Please allow players to choose between Buying a home (as sims do now) or "financing" a home when choosing where their Sims will Live, in The Sims 5.

    -Please stop having so many discouraging build mode limitations. Builders should be able to connect foundations and platforms of different heights. Also, Platforms should be able to be built into a pool to create pool Steps.

    Mods like T.O.O.L shouldn't have to exist, it's a great mod but rotation and placement should be far more advanced in sims 5, without needing mods.

    -As a builder, i really like the create a path/walkway tool with planet zoo. It's such an intuitive building tool and allows players to click and drag a walking path of any shape and width. Currently, it is not possible to make actual curved sidewalks in sims 4. Only using terrain paints, which is not efficient.

    -Curved Pools in Base game.

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    sclevenger08sclevenger08 Posts: 125 Member
    Simmingal wrote: »
    Excited to hear that the kits chosen were Goth and Medieval :wink:
    interested to see if theres any other Sims 4 news

    not so excited about Rene news
    because I'm still suffering from Renephobia
    Its all too futuristic for me no changes should ever be made
    we should still be hitting 2 rocks together in a cave
    its really just the safest option believe me

    the dragon nesting in the cave won't mind us staying a little longer
    or a lot longer, like a decade or so

    if we switch caves who knows whats in there
    could be Greg, or worse, other humans

    Honestly, this is me. I think I still have PTSD from the Sims 4 launch and how horrific it was. I didn't even play it for like 3 years. When I came back to it thought, it was like a brand new game and I fell in love with it instantly. But I don't want to go through that again with Sims5.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,333 Member
    edited June 2023
    Simmingal wrote: »
    Excited to hear that the kits chosen were Goth and Medieval :wink:
    interested to see if theres any other Sims 4 news

    not so excited about Rene news
    because I'm still suffering from Renephobia
    Its all too futuristic for me no changes should ever be made
    we should still be hitting 2 rocks together in a cave
    its really just the safest option believe me

    the dragon nesting in the cave won't mind us staying a little longer
    or a lot longer, like a decade or so

    if we switch caves who knows whats in there
    could be Greg, or worse, other humans

    Honestly, this is me. I think I still have PTSD from the Sims 4 launch and how horrific it was. I didn't even play it for like 3 years. When I came back to it thought, it was like a brand new game and I fell in love with it instantly. But I don't want to go through that again with Sims5.

    Yeah as much as I love The Sims and I've been loving it since first iteration

    I'm finally starting to have some of the features I've been asking for since 2014 in TS4

    I really don't feel like starting new with TS5 and again waiting like 8 years for couple dancing or something :sweat_smile: like dang it not again

    just give me the things in ts4 and keep it running I beg
    ⭐️ AHQ Champion 🦇 Vlad Advocate 🐉 Team Dragons
    🏡 Gallery 📖 Stories 🌍 World Project 🥔 MOD/CC Free
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited June 2023
    Simmingal wrote: »

    I really don't feel like starting new with TS5 and again waiting like 8 years for couple dancing or something :sweat_smile: like dang it not again

    This is exactly why Sims 5 Rene is make-or-break when it comes to my wallet and involvement with the rest of the franchise.

    I am willing to be charitable and excuse Sims 4's base game stumble and its decade-long ripple effects due to Project Olympus/ the pivot late in development.

    Sims 5 Rene does not need to be the same story. It should not be the same story.

    But any sign of missing pools? Missing life-stages? I will be throwing in the towel.
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,096 Member
    EA_Cade wrote: »
    We'll also find out which kits were selected by the community.


    If the comments here are any indication of the overall votes, Goth and Medieval should be the sure bet.

    I know @EA_Solaire was demanding encouraging votes for the Goth kit internally 😂
    Glad to see we have someone fighting for those of us that are over the horrible colorful clothing swatches keep up the good fight. :)

    Goth has got to win I'd love to know the % it got over the other kit to know where the community is at liking those ugly colorful swatches.
    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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