

What are Bunny Fonts?
Bunny Fonts is an open-source, privacy-first web font platform designed to put privacy back into the internet.

With a zero-tracking and no-logging policy, Bunny Fonts helps you stay fully GDPR compliant and puts your user's personal data into their own hands. Additionally, you can enjoy lightning-fast load times thanks to bunny.net's global CDN network to help improve SEO and deliver a better user experience.
Bunny Fonts are hosted by BunnyWay d.o.o. - an EU-based company - and were designed to help you stay fully GDPR compliant. No data or logs are ever collected or passed to a third party. Simply put: we cannot track or monitor your end-users in any way or form.
The Bunny Fonts API was designed to be fully compatible with the Google Fonts CSS v1 API, making the switch as easy as changing the hostname.

Simply swap "https://fonts.bunny.net/css" in place of "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css" on your website's source code and let your users enjoy better privacy.