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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Staðseting av Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
HøvuðsskrivstovaWien, Eysturríki
Alment mál Enskt
Slag Cartel[1]
 -  Aðalskrivari Abdallah Salem el-Badri
Establishment Baghdad, Irak
 -  Statute 10–14 September 1960 
 -  Galdandi frá Januar 1961 
 -  Tilsamans 13.759.546 km2
5.312.590 sq mi
 -  2015 meting 705,674,747
 -  Tættleiki 51.3/km2
132,9/sq mi
Gjaldoyra Indekserað sum USD-per-tunnu

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) er ein felagsskapur ið hevur 12 limalond, ið hava tað til felags, at búskapur teirra ávirkast nógv av oljuútflutningi. Høvuðsendamálið hjá OPEC er at syrgja fyri støðugum og sámuligum oljuprísum. OPEC-londini eiga sambært almennum tølum, yvir 75% av heimsins oljugoymslum og stendur fyri 40% av oljuútboðnum.

  1. "Glossary of Industrial Organisation Economics and Competition Law". OECD. 1993. p. 19. http://www.oecd.org/regreform/sectors/2376087.pdf. "International commodity agreements covering products such as coffee, sugar, tin and more recently oil (OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) are examples of international cartels which have publicly entailed agreements between different national governments."