
Remembering Jerry West: 'The Logo,' Tortured Genius and Enduring Icon

West’s silhouette has been the NBA’s official logo for decades, the embodiment of a perfect basketball player — and an image the Hall of Famer struggled to live up to. West was a superstar player who became a superstar executive and icon whose street cred endures 50 years after his last jump shot. Read about the life of an intensely competitive perfectionist whose appetite for success couldn't be sated. "I have been a wolf my whole life," he said, "and I've had to be, in my own way, to survive."

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Remembering Jerry West: 'The Logo,' Tortured Genius and Enduring Icon
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13 stories in this Storyboard

    Mr. Clutch and the Standard of Excellence

    West spent "his final decade speaking as openly as any former athlete has about mental health — a contribution as enduring as anything he ever did on the court."

    Jerry West and the Burden of Being the Logo

    Jerry West and the Burden of Being the Logo

    I first met Jerry West in the summer of 1997, as a young, sorta shy, possibly in-over-my-head rookie beat writer assigned to cover the Lakers for the …

    'Aura of greatness was mesmerizing'

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