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a term used to describe competition between employees of an organization to achieve promotion (like ‘medieval tournaments’) so that the potential for promotion, as well as pay, affect motivation. See LABOUR MARKET.
Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005
References in classic literature ?
The Princess went with her sisters to the window and looked on at the tournament. Presently her husband rode by and threw the apple up to her.
But before the Prince went to the tournament he said to his wife, 'Now I know you will betray me to-day.'
We had one tournament which was continued from day to day during more than a week, and as many as five hundred knights took part in it, from first to last.
I not only watched this tournament from day to day, but detailed an intelligent priest from my Department of Public Morals and Agriculture, and ordered him to report it; for it was my purpose by and by, when I should have gotten the people along far enough, to start a newspaper.
THEY were always having grand tournaments there at Camelot; and very stirring and picturesque and ridiculous human bull-fights they were, too, but just a little wearisome to the practical mind.
Here, in almost the first paragraph, he saw the name which had happened to catch his eye a moment or two before: GOLF AT THE HAGUE Among the entrants for the tournament which commences to-morrow, are several well-known English players, including Mr.
Let me hope she will be less cruel to the splendid train which are to meet at the tournament.''
'The fact is, I have been playing in a golf tournament.'
You couldn't leave a golf tournament. By the way, how did you get on?'
Then Ulysses answered, "Madam, wife of Ulysses, you need not defer your tournament, for Ulysses will return ere ever they can string the bow, handle it how they will, and send their arrows through the iron."
"As for the banquet, the ball, the concert, the theatricals, the tournaments, the cascades, the fireworks, the illuminations, and the presents - these are well and good, I grant; but why were not these expenses sufficient?
Caribbean Premier League organisers have struck an agreement with Cricket West Indies which will see the popular domestic Twenty20 tournament revert to the August start date.