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European stage of lowermost Carboniferous time.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Lithostratigraphy, conodont biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) to Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) Lipak Formation in the Pin Valley (NW India).
(2006): Tournaisian forested wetlands in the Horton Group of Atlantic Canada.
The metamorphic clasts strongly resemble local basement rocks exposed as belts between conglomeratic domains in Isle Madame, indicating that these deeper crustal rocks were unroofed within the former basin in the late Tournaisian, resulting in redirected drainage patterns.
The well was drilled as a deviated directional oil production well for the Tournaisian reservoirs using the same technology as in side-tracked well 24.
The well proved gas/condensate in the Tournaisian F1-A formation.
These wells are intended to raise additional production from the Visean aged reservoirs (B-sand) and to appraise and develop the deeper Tournaisian (T-sand) and Devonian (D-sand) aged reservoirs.
The partners have proven and tested gas in Tournaisian sandstones in the Tinerkouk well (TNK-1).
The section was located on the northeastern margin of Laurussia during the late Famennian-Tournaisian and comprises the stratigraphical interval from the latest Famennian praesulcata Zone through the late Tournaisian crenulata Zone, being 16.5 m thick (Zhuravlev et al.
This age represents the maximum possible for deposition of the Del Raton Formation that is bound to be just at the end of the Tournaisian or more likely in the Visean, in agreement with palynological data (Amenabar and di Pascuo, 2008).
The Horton Bluff Formation has been palynologically dated as Tournaisian (Ivorian) (Utting et al.
and Haack, U.: 2006, Tournaisian age of granitoids from the Odra Fault Zone (southwestern Poland): equivalent of the Mid-German Crystalline High?