Laser Guided Artillery Shells do not work outside of Artillery Computer
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Laser Guided Artillery Shells do not work outside of the artillery computer. Works across all vanilla artillery systems. This error carries over into mods that also use LG shells including RHS artillery units.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Launch Arma 3. Go to Editor. Place any artillery system that contains LG artillery shells. Spawn yourself as a quadrotor drone operator (can give yourself Zeus access to make next steps easier) and spawn a target such as a stationary tank or truck.
  1. Set the drone to auto-hover where the turret maintains clear line of sight (LOS) on chosen target. Enter the artillery computer in chosen system and click within 50 meters of the target with LG shells chosen and fire (fire after the 'fire' button turns white in color as the system is orienting its gun to the chosen target location).
  1. Quickly take control of the UAV turret after firing the shell and turn on laser. The shell fired by artillery computer should track with 100% accuracy if fired within 75m of target and prior steps are followed properly. The laser should not be taken off the target or toggled off and on after initially painting the target.
  1. When repeating steps 1-3 with the use of manual firing (no artillery computer), LG shells fail to track the laser completely. Manual fire can be completed with the use of tools in mods such as the ACE 3 artillery rangetable, map tools, MicroDAGR, etc. or by clicking a spot to fire in the artillery computer, waiting for it to finish orienting (fire button turns white) and hitting Esc to exit the artillery computer view and clicking LMB to fire. LG shells end up landing at the initial point of aim when fired outside of the artillery computer regardless of the laser.
Additional Information

I was able to reproduce this error with 100% success with and without mods such as RHS and ACE 3. This seems to be an Arma issue as it is consistent in behavior even without mods. This was tested across the Mk.6 mortar, the 2S9 Sochor, the M4 Scorcher with and without mods loaded, and with RHS artillery systems. My milsim unit uses artillery systems with the artillery computer turned off and this renders the LG shells unusable for our use as the shells cannot properly lock on to targets even with precise calculation and aim.

Event Timeline

I even have a lot of vanilla LG shells missing to land on target even if I use the artillery computer.
So I needed to resort to a scripted solution (based on ACE laser designation) for LG shells to work.

TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.Jan 17 2024, 5:03 AM

I even have a lot of vanilla LG shells missing to land on target even if I use the artillery computer.
So I needed to resort to a scripted solution (based on ACE laser designation) for LG shells to work.

Howdy, it seems in my testing that the LG artillery shells do not work at all with the vanilla handheld laser designator. I used the vanilla quadrotor drones as they worked most consistently.

TRAGER added a comment.EditedJan 26 2024, 7:06 AM

The LG shells for some reason work as Guided shell i.e. fly to the screen centre

  • Guided shell must work this way
  • LG not

I'm sure Arma 3 LG artillery should work like this: LG shell fired and fly like general (ordinary) HE shell but on target approach projectile must seek for a laser and correct his fly to the target
As like it do vanilla LOAL bombs (e.g. GBU-12)

SaMatra added a subscriber: SaMatra.Feb 8 2024, 3:23 PM