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Ad Tech Industry Report 2024:

High-Impact Banners & Evolving Trends

Delve into the most important ad tech trends in this full-fledged report. Get the grounded 360-round analytics that will save you time and money while optimizing a programmatic strategy.

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A Sneak Peak Into the Core

Take a quick look inside to catch the idea of what we’ve prepared for you in this report. Download the full version to reveal all the fascinating ad tech statistics and compelling insights.


Top-3 Wisdoms from Epom Ad Tech Industry Report

Use these cool observations to boost your programmatic strategy in 2024.


Invest more in video ads production

Video ads perform better — the average CTR for video ads in mobile apps is 7.5 times higher than for banner ads.

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Be mobile

In 2022, mobile devices generated 60% of global traffic, and this number will keep growing.


Expand audience GEOs

Go around the world with your ad campaign – test Asian and African GEOs, as technology advances in these markets.


a.k.a Contents What Else Under the Hood

  • Detailed analysis of ad banners performance, price, and efficiency.

  • Extensive overview of the most popular GEOs in 2024.

  • Comprehensive device statistics (yes, even Connected TV).

  • Persuasive video ads performance data.

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