shaft column

shaft column

[′shaft ‚käl·əm]
(mining engineering)
A length of pipes installed in a mine shaft for pumping, for hydraulic stowing, or for compressed air.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A process engineer engaged in heat treatment of anthracite in shaft furnaces is interested in the coal SER in the furnace shaft column. Determined according to the standard methodology SER of crushed thermoanthracite and thermoanthracite in the state of pillar can not be used in this case.
The piers were redesigned with drilled shaft column bents to speed up construction.
The actual running time per pipe length was 17 mins, and the complete shaft column was installed over a single weekend.
When operational, the weight of the free-hanging shaft column complete with contents is carried by a suspension structure in combination with a support at pithead level.
Free-hanging shaft columns of this type can be installed in new or existing shafts, to supplement or replace flanged columns.