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Of or pertaining to an ovum that undergoes incomplete cleavage due to large amounts of yolk.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Segmentation was meroblastic. Second cleavage preceded after 1-2 h, and then multicellular blastodic was formed.
Species with large eggs and substantial yolk typically have superficial cleavage that may be complete, equal, unequal, or meroblastic (Gemmill, 1920; Nyholm, 1949; Uchida and Yamada, 1968; Mergner, 1971; Chia and Spaulding, 1972; Campbell, 1974; Spaulding, 1974; Fautin et al., 1989).
After 72 hours of meroblastic cleavage, a blastodermal cap formed on top of the yolk.