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One of the documents -- a transcript of meeting between Lavon and Gibli -- reveals that the two accused each other of giving the order, with Lavon claiming that Gibli gave the order on his own accord, but Gibli claiming he was given the order by Lavon on July 16, 1954, when the two met alone.
In another meeting between Lavon and Gibli, on Dec.
Lavon then asked Gibli to tell the truth, and denied outright that the two had met on July 16 that year.
To this Gibli replied: "I have never faced such attempts of a liar and fabricator the way you tried to present me just now.
Blurring vision and disrupting daily life, the Gibli is descriptive of the war in Libya; it has burned us all, in one way or another.
We are waiting for the tears of the Gibli to soften hearts.
Strong Gibli winds blowing in from the Sahara, with only a day or two of respite in between didnAEt make life comfortable for anyone, let alone a group of people harvesting their barley crop.
Recently, however, General Binyamin Gibli, Dayan's confidant, confirmed it on his deathbed.)