arrowhead formation

arrowhead formation

A type of formation in which aircraft are positioned in the shape of an arrowhead.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
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"We can play an arrowhead formation where two strikers play slightly off and to the side of a central striker, or two central strikers playing slightly wider with one tucked in behind.
Next in line were five Jaguars that flew in Arrowhead formation.
Showcasing its air power, army's also conducted a flypast of three advanced light helicopters Dhruv in arrowhead formation.
"Our squadron encountered an arrowhead formation of about 50 bombers at 18,000 feet escorted by 40 Messerschmitt 110 fighters a little astern and above.
But he definitely has plenty of stamina judged by his staying on effort at Glorious Goodwood Drawn smack bang in the middle of the field today could well be a plus as sprints tend to be run up the track in an arrowhead formation it is soft here.
Teenage front-man Steve Davies misses the game through suspension so Kevin Ellison is likely to hold onto a spot on the left of midfield - unless Moore decides change of tactics to counter Doncaster's arrowhead formation.
Snowfall is usually no more than 2cm per hour, and as you would expect, the snow team's vehicle deployment is decided by the wind conditions--an arrowhead formation for calm conditions and an echelon formation for crosswind conditions.
Next in line will be the fighters, - while five Jaguars will fly in Arrowhead formation, another five Mig-29 air Superiority Fighter called the "Tridents" will fly in Fulcrum style.
Inspired by their dramatic advance, in arrowhead formation, on the All Blacks' haka, France bossed much of the game.
Five Jaguars followed by five MiG-29 will fly in Arrowhead formation. The breathtaking Trishul formation comprising three Su-30 MKI would fly over the Rajpath and once in front of the saluting dais the Su-30MKI aircraft at the centre would carry out a Vertical Charlie manoeuvre.