(redirected from Arrowhead Native Bible Center)
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ANBCAmerican Natural Bodybuilding Conference
ANBCAustralian National Budgerigar Council
ANBCaneurysmal bone cysts (also seen as ABC)
ANBCAnnual National Biological Convention
ANBCAkzo Nobel Base Chemicals (Netherlands)
ANBCApplied NanoBioscience Center (Arizona State University)
ANBCAmerican National Baptist Convention
ANBCAssociation Normande de Biologie Clinique
ANBCAnnuity National Brokerage Corporation
ANBCAquila Networks British Columbia
ANBCAdvanced National Business Certificate (Nigeria)
ANBCAlliance of the North Bay Chambers
ANBCAssociation Nationale des Bouchers Centrafricains
ANBCAdvance Network Business Consulting (Germany)
ANBCAll Nations Believer's Church (Tanzania)
ANBCAustralian National Band Championships
ANBCArrowhead Native Bible Center
ANBCAll Nations Baptist Church
ANBCAmerican NTN Bearing Corporation
ANBCanesthetized bladder capacity
ANBCanytime Naïve Bayesian classer (learning algorithm)
ANBCAbbey National Benefit Consultants (UK)
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