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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an urban-type settlement in Liubytino Raion, Novgorod Oblast, RSFSR. Zarubino has a railway station (Liubytino) on the Okulovka-Nebolchi line. Fireclay is extracted in Zarubino for the Borovichi refractory materials combine.



an urban-type settlement in Khasan Raion, Primor’e Krai, RSFSR. Zarubino is situated on the bank of Pos’et Bay of the Sea of Japan, 12 km south of the Sukhanovka station on the Ussuriisk-Khasan line. Zarubino has a fish combine.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The boat's destination was Zarubino, a port in the Russian Far East.
The development and promotion of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) and Russian Far East transportation corridors, including free ports Vladivostok and Zarubino, also form part of the agreement.
Russia's Role in China's Export Supply Chains to Increase- Russia-China cooperation on the expansion of the Russian port in Zarubino will see Russia play a larger role in China's logistics sector.
The governor of Jilin province, Bayanqolu and the president of Russia's Summa Group, Alexander Vinokurov, have signed a cooperation agreement to jointly develop Zarubino Port logistics.
The Altai, with a haul of crab, was heading from the port of Zarubino in Russia's Primorye Territory to South Korea.
The epicenter of the quake, which struck at 1300 GMT Friday, was southwest of Vladivostok, around nine kilometers (five miles) from the Russian border town of Zarubino, at a depth of 561 kilometers (350 miles), the USGS said.
Japan and China have launched a new shipping and trucking route linking Japan's Niigata and Huichuan in China's Jilin Province via Russia's Zarubino, all on the Sea of Japan coast.
(12.) This is apparently a reference to reports that China arranged to lease the Russian Far Eastern port of Zarubino in 2003.
And it has declined to approve a Chinese request for long-term leases on Russia's Sea of Japan ports of Zarubino and Poset, which Beijing coveted for exporting goods from Manchuria.