
(redirected from Ninus Romance)
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a king of Assyria and the legendary founder of Nineveh, husband of Semiramis
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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But the heroine of the Ninus Romance may not actively pursue her beloved, not even her fiance.
Chariton does not showcase his heroine's silence here with the same elaborate staging found in the Ninus romance; he does not depict Callirhoe attempting speech and failing.
Calasiris assumes Thambe's role as the insightful, indulgent elder, and the brief exchange between aunt and niece in the Ninus Romance swells here into several days of tactful and often humorous diplomacy, culminating in a discreet confession of desire from Chariclea (4,10) and a promise from Calasiris that her desire will be honorably fulfilled (4,11).