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Haryana (härēänˈə), state (2001 provisional pop. 21,082,989), 17,120 sq mi (44,341 sq km), N central India. Chandigarh is the capital, and Ambala, Karnal, Panipat, Rohtak, and Bhiwani are other important cities. The terrain is mostly flat and dry but does support irrigated agriculture. Wheat, rice, and cotton are the major crops. Its proximity to Delhi (the national capital territory) provides a huge market for agricultural and manufacturing products. Haryana was created in 1966 out of the Hindi-speaking portions of Punjab state. It is governed by a chief minister and cabinet responsible to an elected, unicameral legislature and by a governor appointed by the president of India. Haryana has suffered from spillover of the violence associated with Sikh separatism in Punjab state.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a state in northwestern India. Formed in 1966 from the Hindi-speaking areas in the southern part of the state of Punjab. Area, 44,000 sq km. Population, 11 million (1975). Haryana lies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The capital is the city of Chandigarh.

The economy of Haryana is primarily agricultural. Because of the arid climate, irrigation is necessary for farming, and more than 40 percent of the cultivated land is irrigated. The principal crops include wheat, barley, millet, and legumes; the state’s output of wheat is the fourth largest in India. In 1973, 3.5 million tons of grain were harvested. Industrial crops include cotton, sugarcane, and oil-bearing plants, such as peanuts. Purebred cattle and other types of livestock are raised.

The principal industries are food processing (particularly the manufacture of sugar), cotton milling and ginning (at Bhiwani), paper milling (at Jagadhri), and the manufacture of glass goods (at Ambala). A tractor plant is located at Pinjaur.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a state of NE India, formed in 1966 from the Hindi-speaking parts of the state of Punjab. Capital: Chandigarh (shared with Punjab). Pop.: 21 082 989 (2001 est.). Area: 44 506 sq. km (17 182 sq. miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
For arriving at its ratings, CRISIL has combined the business and financial risk profiles of Inducto Steel, Hariyana Ship Breakers Ltd, Hariyana International Pvt Ltd, and Hariyana Ship Demolition Pvt Ltd.
11 March 2011 - Indian rating agency CRISIL yesterday reaffirmed the B+/"stable"/P4 ratings on the bank facilities of Hariyana Ship Breakers Ltd (BOM:526931).
ISLAMABAD, February 25, 2010 (Balochistan Times ): The Ansar Burney Trust International Thursday filed a writ petition in the Punjab and Hariyana High Court, at Chandigarh, India challenging the arrest of a 13-year old Pakistani child and for his early release and deportation.
At Nottingham, Luca Cumani should pay a visit to the winner's enclosure courtesy of Hariyana in the Weatherbys Eclipse Pedigrees Maiden Fillies' Stakes (3.45).
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-12 March 2010-CRISIL ups to B+ rating on Hariyana International(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-12 March 2010-CRISIL ups to B+ rating on Hariyana Ship Demolition(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-12 March 2010-CRISIL rates Hariyana Ship Breakers' overdraft at B+(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com