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Related to Harirud: Tedzhen river, Tejen River
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(in the USSR, Tedzhen), a river in Afghanistan, Iran, and the USSR. The Harirud is 1,150 km long and drains an area of 70,600 sq km. It originates in Afghanistan at an elevation of about 3,000 m. Until the Herat Oasis in Afghanistan it is a mountain stream, flowing in a narrow valley. In the oasis it flows in a broad valley, where its waters are used for irrigation; below the city of Herat the bed is sometimes dry. Upon leaving the oasis, the Harirud again acquires the characteristics of a mountain stream and in this area serves as the boundary between Iran and Afghanistan. Further downstream the valley broadens once again, and the river serves as the boundary between the USSR and Iran. In the Turkmen SSR the river flows in a broad valley, breaking up into several channels. Here, all of the river’s water is used for irrigation of the Tedzhen Oasis.

The Harirud is fed mainly by snow. High water occurs between March and May. The mean flow rate near Polekhatum, 325 km from the river’s end, is about 30 cu m per sec; the maximum is 990 cu m per sec. From August to November the river is usually dry. Turbidity is high—about 100,000 g per cu m. The Harirud does not freeze.

On the Soviet portion of the Harirud there are reservoirs for seasonal regulation of flow: the Tedzhen Reservoir (useful capacity 142 million cu m) and the Second Tedzhen Reservoir (180 mil lion cu m). There is also a small inlet reservoir. The lower course of the river is also fed by the Karakum Canal. The city of Tedzhen is located on the Harirud.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dr Rangin Spanta, a former foreign minister and National Security Advisor of the previous president, Hamid Karzai, had in 2007 told Parliament that Iran was putting pressure on him regarding water from the 1,130-km Harirud River which flows into Iran from Herat province.
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But unfortunately Salma Dam has three enemies," Fazl Ahmad Zakeri, the Ministry of Energy and Water's acting director for the Harirud and Murghab River Basin in Herat, told the Christian Science Monitor.
For Iran, too, the key facts are clear: The dam will cut the flow of its own Harirud River water by 73 percent, even though the number of Iranians dependent on that water--including those in the shrine city of Mashhad is almost three times the number of Afghans impacted.