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gibbon, small ape, family Hylobatidae, found in the forests of SE Asia. The gibbons are known as the small, or lesser, apes; they are the most highly adapted of the apes to arboreal life. They are highly endangered because of habitat destruction.

Most gibbons are about 3 ft (90 cm) tall and weigh about 15 lb (6.4 kg). Their arms are extremely long in proportion to their body length, and they swing through the trees with great speed and agility, clearing gaps up to 20 ft (6 m) wide. On the ground they walk on two feet, holding their arms up awkwardly; they can also run on all fours.

Members of most gibbon species have black faces surrounded by a white ruff; their fur ranges in color from black to buff. Some species, e.g., the lar, or white-handed, gibbon, have sexual dimorphism in coloration. Like Old World monkeys and unlike other apes, gibbons have callosities on their buttocks.

Gibbons live in permanent families consisting of a male, a female, and their young; families occupy definite territories. They feed on fruits and other plant matter as well as insects and other small animals. Gibbons have powerful voices and at times engage in loud howling, which is answered by other gibbons in the vicinity.

The largest gibbon is the siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus. Deep black, with a reddish brown face, the siamang may weigh up to 25 lb (11.3 kg). Siamangs are further distinguished by the presence in both sexes of a large vocal sac on the throat; this sac is inflated before the animal howls and probably functions to magnify the sound. Such a sac is also found in the male black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor). Siamangs are found in the high mountain forests of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula.

Gibbons are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Primates, family Hylobatidae.

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(vertebrate zoology)
The common name for seven species of large, tailless primates belonging to the genus Hylobates ; the face and ears are hairless, and the arms are longer than the legs.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


any small agile arboreal anthropoid ape of the genus Hylobates, inhabiting forests in S Asia


1. Edward. 1737--94, English historian; author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776--88), controversial in its historical criticism of Christianity
2. Lewis Grassic , real name James Leslie Mitchell. 1901--35, Scottish writer: best known for his trilogy of novels Scots Quair (1932--34)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
En el mono capuchino, gibon de manos blancas y lemur cola anillada se originan en la cara ventro-lateral del margen caudal del cartilago cricoides para seguir su recorrido hasta llegar a la superficie caudo-medial del cartilago tiroides, destacando su forma triangular.
En primates se han descrito diversas formas de locomocion, de las cuales, la mayoria las realizan mediante el apoyo de los cuatro miembros locomotores, a excepcion del desplazamiento braceador como lo tienen los gibones (Hylobates sp.
CFA Franc Zone includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Gibon, Guinea Bisau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.
He was joined on the scoresheet by Keil Rolands (2), John Arkle and Paul Gibon.
Existe una demanda creciente por un nuevo modelo de produccion en caprinos y ovinos que satisfaga objetivos multiples, tales como la eficiencia productiva, el bienestar animal, el uso correcto del medio ambiente y los recursos no renovables, asi como la calidad y seguridad de los productos que de ellos derivan (Gibon et al., 1999).
A partir de los prosimios primitivos se producira la separacion entre los prosimios propiamente tales (lemur, lori) y los antropoides (platirrinios, catarrinos, gibon, orangutan, gorila, chimpance).
With three races to sail, the others being the Sydney -- Wollongong and Wollongong -- Sydney races in February, Graham Gibon's Farr 47, Ninety Seven and Syd Fischer's Farr 50, Ragamuffin, were equal on 470 points each after one drop race.
Referee Pearson waved aside all the protests but later in the half booked Bury's Paul Reid and Wigan's Pat Mc Gibon for hand ball.