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Lower Upper Cretaceous geologic time.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Rare mussel occurrences described from the Cenomanian Cretaceous of eastern Nebraska include "Unio (Baphia?) nebrascensis" Meek (1) and "Unio Barbouri" White (2) from the Dakota Formation in Dakota and Jefferson Counties, respectively.
Foxtrot International commenced drilling of the Marlin North 1 well to test the existence of a commercial Cenomanian accumulation north of the Marlin oil and gas field in November.
A new troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Cenomanian of Uzbekistan, with a review of troodontid records from the territories of the former Soviet Union.
Distinguishable from Cenomanian lungfish tooth plates from the Woodbine Formation of Texas (Main pers.
This subfamily was previously known only from the Cenomanian Obeshchayushchiy locality in the Russian Far East; the two new representatives of Labenopimplinae described below, found at the Turonian Orapa locality in Botswana, are the first and only known Cretaceous ichneumonids from Africa and the southern hemisphere.
antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758) have probably been separated since the earliest appearance of the genus in the Late Eocene 33-37 MYA (Amano, 1997); Provanna and Desbruyeresia are known from Cenomanian (Cretaceous) seep deposits in Japan, 93-100 MYA (Kaim et al., 2008a), which thus can be considered a minimum age of the split between the genera.
Biologists and paleontologists synthesize recent research and the current understanding of such aspects as the early ossification and development of the cranium and paired girdles of Chanos chanos, a new teleostean fish from the Early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) off southeastern Morocco and its relationships with the ostariophysans, systematics and phylogenetic relationships of cypriniformes, the state of knowledge concerning siluriform higher-level phylogeny, and the mitochondrial phylogeny of the South American electric fish (gymnotiformes) and an alternative hypothesis for the otophysan historical biogeography.
An analysis of vertebral 'Pachyostosis' In Carentonosaurus Mineaui (Mosasauroidea, Squamata) from the Cenomanian (Early Late Cretaceous) of France, with comments on its phylogenetic and functional significance.
Zur Systematik und Palokologie harzonservieter Arthropoda einer Taphozonose aus dem Cenomanian von NW-Frankreich.