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Mont. a pass over the Graian Alps in SE France, between Lanslebourg (France) and Susa (Italy): nearby tunnel, opened in 1871. Highest point: 2082 m (6831 ft.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
(127.) "The Inundations in France," Daily News, 1 October 1866, 5; "The Alpine Passes," Times, 26 November 1866, 10; "Latest and Telegraphic News," Liverpool Mercury, 26 December 1866, 7; "Over Mount Cenis into Italy," Times, 10 October 1867, 8.
As the economist Ben Higgins writes in the foreword to Geertz's Agricultural involution, the CENIS research on Indonesia (between 1952 and 1959) consisted of the Indonesia Project, directed by Higgins, and the Indonesia Field Team, directed by Rufus Hendon; Clifford Geertz was a member of this team (Higgins 1963:VII-VIII).
EXA EX CTLY what happened on the doomed trawler Ocean Way is at the cenis at the cen W -tre of a probe as it emerged the skipper may have been from Tyneside.
"O dilema de Cenis e Tiresias: corpo, pessoa e as metamorfoses de genero", In: SILVA, Alcione et al.
Garcia E., Martinez A., Garcia de la Calera E., Perez L.J., Cenis J.L., Carreno J.
"He moves the story on at an entertaining pace and memorably renders such scenes as the assault by the French troops on the Piedmontese in the glaciers of Mont Cenis and the arrival of distinguished French savants on the beaches of Alexandria as part of Napoleon's conquest of Egypt.
France and Italy are collaborating on a project for a rolling motorway service in the Alps, extending 175 kilometres between Savoy (Aiton) and Piedmont (Orbassano) and using the Mont Cenis rail tunnel.
The young man had been among the French settlers in Fort Saint Louis and lived with the Cenis Caddos after La Salle's murder.
Mycelium production and DNA extraction: Genomic DNA of the Fusarium isolates was obtained using the protocol described by Cenis (1992).